Kamis, 31 Januari 2013



Kpd. Yth:

Di Tempat

Jakarta, 31 Januari  2013

Dengan hormat,
Timbunan sampah menjadi persoalan yang sedang dihadapi Jakarta saat ini. Data dinas kebersihan Jakarta menunjukan, timbunan sampah yang dihasilkan rumah tangga mencapai 6,594.72 ton/hari. Dari angka tersebut hanya 85% yang terangkut ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir  (TPA), tanpa mengalami proses pemilahan  organik atau non organik.  Sementara, sampah yang tidak terangkut memenuhi ruang-ruang terbuka menjadi pemicu terjadinya banjir.

Mengurangi volume sampah dengan 3R (Reuse, Reduce & Recycle) menjadi satu alternatif yang dapat dilakukan masyarakat secara langsung untuk mengatasi persoalan sampah dan ancaman bencana yang ditimbulkannya. Sayangnya, rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk ikut aktif dalam gerakan ini menjadi kendala.

AQUA Group sebagai bagian masyarakat bisnis yang telah berkomitmen untuk berpartisipasi membangun kesadaran publik mengelola sampah sepanjang 2012 telah melakukan kampanye Gemar Mengelola Sampah (GEMAS). Rangkaian program GEMAS diawali dengan peletakan mesin RVM (mesin pemecah botol plastik) di Monas, dongeng bersama siswa SD dan Workshop GEMAS yang ditujukan untuk siswa SMA dan mahasiswa.  Kampanye GEMAS akan ditutup dengan pemberian penghargaan terhadap peserta workshop terbaik yang diisi dengan rangkaian acara bertema pengelolaan sampah dengan 3R dan lingkungan.

Dengan ini, kami mengundang rekan media untuk menghadiri diskusi “Menjadi Bagian dari Generasi yang Gemar Mengelola Sampah untuk Menjaga Bumi” dan rangkaian acara Gemar Mengelola Sampah (GEMAS), pada:

Hari/ tanggal           : Senin, 4 Februari 2013
Waktu                      : 09.30 – 12.00
AcaraTema            : Menjadi bagian dari Generasi  yang  Gemar Mengelola Sampah untuk menjaga Bumi
Tempat                   : Gelanggang Olah Raga (GOR) Bulungan, Jakarta Selatan
Narasumber             : 1. Gabriel Andari Kristanto, Dosen Teknik Lingkungan UI
                                  2. Hendra Aquan, Transformasi Hijau
                                  3. M. Badowey, pengusaha barang bekas

Demikian kami sampaikan, besar harapan kami rekan-rekan media berkenan hadir pada acara tersebut untuk turut bersama-sama mengabarkan kepada publik mengenai pengelolaan sampah agar tercipta lingkungan yang sehat. 

Untuk konfirmasi kehadiran dan informasi lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi Ika 0856 – 9580-7525
Terimakasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya

Troy Pantouw
Direktur Corporate Communication
PT. Tirta Investama

Note: Rundown acara dan kegiatan terlampir


MC Opening
Gemas TVC
Welcome Speech by Bu Parmanigsih Hadinegoro
Speech dari Jokowi / Dinas kebersihan
Jokowi sign commitment/stakeholder
Jamaica Café
1. Gabriel Andari Kristanto, Dosen Teknik Lingkungan UI 
2. Hendra Aquan, Transformasi Hijau 
3. M. Badowey 
Awarding juara favorit 10,9,8,7
Jamaica Café
Awarding juara favorit 4,5,6
Jamaica Café
Awarding juara 3,2,1 & juara umum
Jamaica Café
Closing MC dan makan siang

Side Event:
1.       Menandatangani komitmen bersama Gemar Mengelola Sampah
2.       3 R Experience, pengunjung dapat berinteraksi dan praktek langsung dengan  komunitas dan perorangan  yang telah secara konsisten melakukan pengelolaan sampah  secara kreatif. Bersama:
·         Greneratin Indonesia, komunitas anak  muda peduli  lingkungan yang telah berkembang menjadi  wirausaha sosial, mulai dari menghasilkan produk baGoes hingga menjalankan program Manajemen Sampah Untuk Kawasan Rumah Tangga (MASUK RT), yang bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat untuk mengelola sampah mulai dari lingkungan rumah tangga.
·         Pelangi, Sehabat anak Indonesia  yang telah melakukan pengelolaan sampah daur ulang kertas
·         Bob Lampion yang telah membangun usaha pembuatan lampion dari botol plastic
·         Green Camp Halimun  yang telah melakukan daur ulang sampah plastik menjadi  tas,

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Mengitari Danau Maninjau bersama Garuda Indonesia

Mengitari Danau Maninjau bersama Garuda Indonesia

Mengitari Danau Maninjau bersama Garuda Indonesia
Untuk mendukung industri pariwisata Indonesia pada umumnya dan Sumatera Barat pada khususnya, Garuda Indonesia akan menyelenggarakan Garuda Indonesia Bike Tour – Maninjau Tour pada 1-3 Februari 2013.

Garuda Indonesia Bike Tour yang diikuti oleh anggota Garuda Group Cycling Community (G2C2) ini bukan yang pertama kali dilaksanakan. Sejauh ini, ajang  tersebut telah diadakan sebanyak 15 kali. Bahkan, Maninjau Tour atau wisata sepeda yang berlokasi di Sumatera Barat tersebut akan dilaksanakan untuk kedua kalinya.

Selain Maninjau, sebelumnya, Garuda Indonesia Bike Tour telah menempuh rute-rute dalam negeri dengan melewati jalan-jalan di Toba, Ubud, Bandung, Lombok, Batu dan Bangka. Di luar Indonesia, Garuda Indonesia Bike Tour juga pernah  menjajal jalanan di Singapura, Malaysia, Jepang dan Cina.

Bukan hanya untuk memanjakan mata dan mengenal lebih jauh potensi pariwisata lokal, dengan mengadakan kegiatan yang memeras keringat ini Garuda Indonesia juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya melestarikan lingkungan dan mempromosikan olahraga sepeda. Hal ini disambut baik oleh para peserta yang menunjukkan minat yang cukup tinggi dan didukung oleh besarnya jumlah peserta. Sering kali, dalam hitungan hari sejak diumumkannya kegiatan ini, jumlah peserta yang mendaftar melebihi target yang ditentukan pada awalnya.

Dalam rangkaian Garuda Indonesia Bike Tour ini, jiwa sosial peserta juga difasilitasi dengan pelaksanaan proyek-proyek CSR selama kegiatan berlangsung. Misalnya di tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Di seri Toba, para peserta terlibat dalam program pengadaan air bersih. Di Batu, peserta diajak untuk mebangun MCK dan fasilitas air bersih, sementara di Lombok, kegiatan CSR difokuskan pada pembangunan taman kanak-kanak. Sementara di sekitar Danau Maninjau, program yang dilaksanakan adalah pembangunan madrasah dan fasilitas kesehatan.

Di masa depan, Garuda Indonesia telah merencanakan untuk menantang para peserta dengan membawa mereka menjelajahi jalan-jalan di Toraja, Solo dan Surabaya.

Mengenal Legenda Maninjau
Danau Maninjau, dikenal juga dengan nama Telaga Biru, memukau setiap orang yang pernah menyaksikan keindahannya. Permukaannya yang biru memantulkan cahaya matahari dan memancarkan kilau keemasan di beberapa bagian. Kelokan-kelokan di timur danau yang berjumlah 44 menunggu para pengunjung untuk melintasinya sambil menikmati pemandangan.

Di tubir danau, pengunjung akan melihat kampung-kampung kecil yang berderet membelakangi bukit-bukit terjal. Lubuk Sao, Muko-muko, Sigiran dan Tanjung Sani adalah kampung-kampung yang dinamakan menurut tokoh-tokoh dalam dongeng Sani dan Giran. Mereka adalah dua remaja yang saling mencintai namun kemudian dilemparkan ke dalam gunung berapi karena dianggap membawa petaka. Dalam dongeng tersebut, hujan deras turun berhari-hari hingga kawah Bukit Tinjau kemudian berubah menjadi danau yang dikenal dengan nama Danau Maninjau.
Disponsori oleh
Sponsor Mengitari Danau Maninjau bersama Garuda Indonesia

New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards: Indonesia

New Zealand Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia

New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards: Indonesia

Open to eligible candidates from the public, private and civil society sectors.
The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards seek to empower individuals with the
knowledge, skills and qualifications to contribute to sustainable economic,
social and political development within ASEAN nations.


The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards seek to make a substantial contribution to the ASEAN region’s development by providing opportunities for postgraduate study (i.e. Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s degree and doctorate/PhD) in New Zealand. The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards (NZ-AS) are part of the New Zealand’s official development assistance to the ASEAN region. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), through the New Zealand Aid Programme, delivers this scholarship scheme. Under the NZ-AS scheme, up to 50 scholarships per annum are available for Indonesian applicants from a total of 170 scholarships for ASEAN countries.


The NZ-AS focuses on fields of study in support of Indonesia’s sustainable economic development, especially in the areas of agriculture, renewable energy (especially geothermal energy) and disaster risk management. Candidates should be able to demonstrate how their proposed course of study will contribute to Indonesia’s development strategies and needs.

Targeted Candidates

The New Zealand Aid Programme welcomes applicants from Indonesia who can demonstrate leadership qualities and academic excellence from the public and private sectors including civil society, university lecturers, development-focused organisations and charitable foundations.    
Additional priority will be given to applicants with the following backgrounds:
  1. Geographic area: Individuals from Eastern Indonesia (West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua). Eastern Indonesia is a geographic area of focus in New Zealand’s bilateral development programme in recognition of the complexity of the development challenges faced within these sub-regions compared to most other parts of the archipelago. The New Zealand Aid Programme has had a longstanding association with Eastern Indonesia and we believe it is important to continue that commitment through developing human capital needs so the sub-region can progress and make the most of the opportunities that exist in these provinces for development.
  2. Government departments: Individuals from the Ministries of Agriculture, Forestry, Mineral Resources and Energy, and Marine Resources and Fisheries (including relevant research institutions under those Ministries); Environment; Tourism; Education; Foreign Affairs; National Police; National Agency for Planning and Development; Ministry of Defence (civilian officials); and National Agency for Disaster Management.

Scholarships Benefits

Return air travel, full tuition fees, an establishment allowance upon arrival in New Zealand, a living allowance to cover day to day costs, medical and travel insurance.

Where you can study

You can study at any of New Zealand’s eight universities, ie:  Auckland University of Technology (AUT); Lincoln University; Massey University; University of Auckland; University of Canterbury; University of Otago; Victoria University of Wellington and University of Waikato; plus Unitec Institute of Technology.

General Eligibility Criteria

  • be a citizen of Indonesia and have resided in Indonesia for at least two years at the time of application;
  • not have citizenship/permanent residence status for New Zealand, Australia or another developed country[1], and not be married or engaged to be married to a person who holds citizenship or permanent residence status of New Zealand, Australia or another developed country;
  • not hold or have held a New Zealand Government or Australia Government scholarship in the preceding 24 months at the time of application;
  • preferably be under 40 years of age at the time of application for Master’s and under 45 years of age for doctorate/PhD study;
  • not be seeking support for a degree programme already commenced;
  • not hold a qualification at a similar level or in a similar field of study at similar level (this means holders of bachelor’s degrees should apply for Master’s or PhD study, and Master’s graduates should apply for PhD study);
  • English Language requirements[2]: have a minimum IELTS (academic) results of 5.5 overall, with no band less than 5.0 or a TOEFL score of more than 513 (result to be no older than 24 months at time of application and international test result preferred;
  • be available to take up the scholarship in the calendar year for which the scholarship is offered;
  • hold a bachelor’s degree of strong academic merit that is relevant to the proposed postgraduate qualification (note: the New Zealand Aid Programme gives preference to those candidates who hold degrees from Indonesian institutions rather than from a developed country);
  • have a minimum of two years’ work experience;
  • be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to Indonesia’s public sector and/or private sector and/or community sector (as relevant), and to the development of Indonesia in general;
  • satisfy the admission requirements of the New Zealand institution in which the degree programme is to be undertaken (including English language criteria);
  • satisfy New Zealand Government immigration requirements for international student entry to New Zealand (such as medical and character checks).
  • Women candidates are encouraged to apply.

[1] A developed country is defined as a country not included on the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee’s list of aid recipients.
[2] As a general guideline, most New Zealand education institutions require a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 for postgraduate level study. For the International TOEFL score required 575 with a TWE of 5; or 250 on the computer-based test; or 90 on the internet-based test with a writing score of 20. Some postgraduate qualifications may require a higher score.

Selection Criteria

Strong academic merit; demonstrated professional and personal leadership attributes; demonstrated developmental benefits to Indonesia; consideration of balance between public and private/civil society sectors, gender and geographical spread and fit with the objectives of the Indonesia-New Zealand bilateral development cooperation programme.

Application and Selection process

  • applicants must indentify their desired university and course, and should assess their likelihood of meeting the university’s entry requirements before submitting their scholarship applications;
  • applicants are required to  submit two applications completed in English (one original and one copy) to PT Austraining Nusantara (PTAN). PhD candidates must also include evidence of correspondence with a potential supervisor[3]. If a letter of offer has already been received from the university, this should also be submitted[4] with the scholarship application;   
  • applications will be assessed and a shortlist will be drawn up for consideration by a selection committee in Indonesia. Candidates might be contacted for an interview;
  • a final decision will be made regarding the selection of candidates;
  • successful candidates will be informed of the outcome and a formal letter will be sent to those selected for a NZ-AS scholarship.

[3] This correspondence evidence could be in email format.
[4] Applicants from outside Eastern Indonesia suggested to attach a letter of offer from desired New Zealand universities.


  • 22 April 2013 | Closing date for applications to be submitted to PTAN
  • May – September 2013 | Initial shortlisting of candidates (in consultation with NZ Universities and NZ Embassy)
  • September - October 2013 | Final shortlisting and selection Process (including interviews)
  • November 2013 | Final decision made on selection of candidates
  • November - December 2013 | Successful candidates informed and letter of offer sent out
  • January 2014 | Pre-departure briefing | English language training commences (for successful candidates who require additional ELT)
  • February or June 2014 | Departure for New Zealand

Contact for further information

Managing Service Contractor for New Zealand ASEAN Scholar Awards in Indonesia:                                                                                                                                                                               
PT. Austraining Nusantara (PTAN)
PO Box 1808
JKP 10018                                                                                                                                                 
Tel: 021 5292 0810
Fax: 021-5292 0818
New Zealand Aid Programme Website
Embassy Facebook

Dakar Rally 2013: MINI congratulates the Monster Energy X-raid Team and Stéphane Peterhansel on a second consecutive victory.

MINI Countryman X-raid service vehicle (11/2012)    

Dakar Rally 2013: MINI congratulates the Monster Energy X-raid Team and Stéphane Peterhansel on a second consecutive victory.

Munich/Santiago de Chile. It seems nothing can stand in their way. The French duo of Stéphane Peterhansel and co-driver Jean-Paul Cottret have won the Dakar Rally 2013 in a MINI ALL4 Racing in a repeat of last year’s success. With their overall time of 38:32.39, the lead pairing of the privately-entered Monster Energy X-raid Team from Trebur, Germany crossed the finish line in Santiago de Chile 42:22 minutes ahead of their nearest pursuers in the overall classification. For Peterhansel, his second victory in the MINI ALL4 Racing was also the 11th of his career in the Dakar.

“This is a magnificent triumph and I would like to offer our congratulations on behalf of MINI not only to Stéphane Peterhansel and Jean-Paul Cottret, but also to Sven Quandt’s entire X-raid Team,” enthused Dr Kay Segler, Senior Vice President MINI Brand Management. “The victory of the MINI ALL4 Racing last year was without doubt a surprise for many people. But now it is clear to everyone that this was no fluke. Anyone who comes home first after 8,600 kilometres (approx. 5,300 miles) in the world’s toughest rally has achieved something amazing. We are incredibly proud to count these fantastic competitors as part of the MINI family.”

As last year, the X-raid Team was again the dominant force in the Dakar Rally 2013. Peterhansel took over at the top of the overall classification after only two stages – and defended his lead all the way to the finish. The chasing pack included the pairing of Leonid Novitskiy and Konstantin Zhiltsov in another MINI ALL4 Racing, who eventually finished the Dakar Rally 2013 in third place.

General Ranking:
1 S. Peterhansel / J.-P. Cottret MINI ALL4 Racing 38h 32m 39s
3 L. Novitskiy / K. Zhiltsov MINI ALL4 Racing 40h 01m 01s
4 N. Roma / M. Périn MINI ALL4 Racing 40h 09m 22s
12 B. Garafulic / G. Picard MINI ALL4 Racing 43h 18m 59s
48 S. Schott / H. Schmidt MINI ALL4 Racing 61h 08m 16s

 Website: www.MINImotorsport.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MINImotorsport
YouTube: www.youtube.com/MINImotorsport
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MINImotorsport

For any queries, please contact:
Andreas Lampka, Head of Communications MINI
Telephone: +49 89-382-23662, Fax: +49 89-382-20626
E-Mail: andreas.lampka@mini.com
Internet: www.press.bmwgroup.com
The BMW Group
The BMW Group is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI, Husqvarna Motorcycles and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 29 production and assembly facilities in 14 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2011, the BMW Group sold about 1.67 million cars and more than 113,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2011 was euro 7.38 billion on revenues amounting to euro 68.82 billion. At 31 December 2011, the BMW Group had a workforce of approximately 100,000 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last seven years.

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