Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Press Release and Fact Sheet Stop the Third Execution: “Does the State have to sentence to death women victims of violence, whose cases indicate they may be victims of drug syndicates and trafficking in persons?”

The National Commission on Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan), as part of the monitoring it performs as a national human rights mechanism, found evidence of layered vulnerability in the cases of those facing the death penalty. There were indications of women migrant workers being victims of drug syndicates and trafficking in persons as well as arbitrary treatment in the justice process. Komnas Perempuan’s monitoring of 12 migrant workers sentenced to death overseas as well as their families and four women sentenced to death in Indonesia revealed the following facts:

1.      International drug trafficking networksplay on the vulnerability of women migrant workers who have passports and documents to move between countries and are far away from their family’s care and the protection of the state. These women migrant workers are struggling to drag themselves and their families out of poverty and get away from the violence they have suffered in their homes. The drug networks use various means such as intimate relationships to trick women into becoming couriers. Ironically, these women migrant workers who are exploited by drug syndicates are not recognised as victims by the state and law enforcers;
2.      International narcotic syndicates lead a stray young women, women victims of violence particularly domestic violence, poor women and women with limited education and access to information;
3.      Women facing the death penalty on charges of narcotics crimes experience layers of violence and discrimination because the perpetrators tend to be those close to them or tend to use dating or intimate relationships even husbands or close friends. They are vulnerable to becoming victims of sexual violence, being beaten, ostracised by their families, suffering condemnation and judgement by society;
4.      Women facing the death penalty on charges of narcotic crimes suffer violence and exploitation during the investigation process. Access to justice is limited, including lack of legal counselling and court decisions that do not consider their position as victims of trafficking in persons and narcotic crimes. Their fate is ignored by courts, the high incidence of couriers as victims not being accompanied by improvements in investigations, and inadequate efforts being made into the eradication of narcotics;
5.      Those sentenced to death initially choose not to be exposed in the media to avoid further risk, only allowing media to report at the final moment when access to justice is almost at an end and their rights are limited leading up to execution;
6.      The death penalty not only tortures and punishes the person to be executed, but also their entire family. The cruelty of the punishment is in its form and process, leading to a lifetime of trauma that manifests in a variety of ways, from suicide attempts, death of family members, stroke andintractable illness, mental and memory disorders, to loss of will to live and extreme hatred. For these reasons the death penalty violates human rights.

Therefore, in response to this third round of executions, Komnas Perempuan states:
1.      Komnas Perempuan strongly supports serious efforts by the state to eradicate narcotics at the root. However, Komnas Perempuan opposes using the death penalty as a solution, especially for women victims of trafficking in persons who have been tricked into becoming drug couriers;
2.      Calls on the State to review and consider delaying the execution, especially of MU (see details in the fact sheet) who is currently in the process of seeking clemency after receiving late notice of her judicial review rejection. MU is a victim of domestic violence who was forced to become a migrant worker by her husband, and was eventually trapped by an international drug syndicate. There are indications that MU is a victim of trafficking in persons.
3.      Urges the President of the Republic of Indonesia to grant clemency appeals, particularly for MU, so that those sentenced to death have access to all legal processes and the state is not negligent in taking the life of someone who should be protected by the state;
4.      The state should reform access to justice particularly for women victims through:
a.      Improving the investigation and handling of women victims of trafficking in persons who are trapped and tricked into becoming drug couriers;
b.      Strengthening the legal system and providing opportunities for those sentenced to death, particularly women victims of violence and trafficking in persons, to obtain access to justice and fair and comprehensive legal processes;
c.      Calling for due care by all law enforcement agencies in processing the cases of women who are trapped into becoming narcotic couriers and avoiding the death penalty so that justice is not perverted for women victims;
5.      Calls for all parties, particularly the media, to not re-victimise those sentenced to death and their families through news articles, because they have long had to live with the stigma and trauma of their situation.

Azriana, Head (0811672441)

YuniyantiChuzaifah, Deputy Head (081311130330)

Sri Nurherwati, Policy and Law Reform Sub-commission (082210434703)
Adriana Venny, International Advocacy Commissioner (0856 1090 619)

Imam Nahei, Commissioner (082335346591)

Death row inmate MU framed by narcotics syndicate This fact sheet was compiled based on monitoring by Komnas Perempuan on the vulnerability of women facing the death penalty in relation to crimes of trafficking in persons and narcotics. Monitoring was conducted on 18 May, 2 June and 18 June 2016. Background: poverty and domestic violence 

1. MU, daughter of S, is a former domestic worker, born in Sukohardjo Central Java on 30 January 1974. She is married with one daughter. 

2. MU was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her husband who was fond of drinking, gambling and having affairs. 

3. MU was forced by her husband to work as a migrant worker in Taiwan for two years. She was the family’s breadwinner, but the money she sent back home was all spent by her husband. 

4. She eventually decided to separate from her husband when she was 25 and continue supporting her child by working as a migrant worker. Tricked into becoming a drug courier 

5. After divorcing her husband, MU planned to work in Taiwan again as a migrant worker. When she was organising her work documents in Jakarta, in Sarinah Thamrin to be precise, she met Jerry, a man who claimed to be from Canada with a trading business. It was only later that MU remembered that since she’d been in Taiwan she had been approached by people who she guessed knew Jerry. 

6. MU and Jerry dated for three months. While they were dating, Jerry really spoiled MU with attention and gifts, even sending frequent presents to her parents. Jerry wouldn’t let MU return to her work in Taiwan and promised he would marry her. 

7. On 16 October 2001, MU was invited by Jerry on a holiday to Nepal. On 17 October 2001, MU left for Nepal, via Singapore, travelling alone. She transited in Thailand to meet with Jerry. However, Jerry had left before her. MU and Jerry met in Nepal and travelled around for three days. 

8. On 20 October 2001, Jerry returned to Jakarta saying he had to attend to his business. MU was asked to stay in Nepal because he wanted her to bring a hand bag. He wanted MU to have this bag because the one she had brought was no good and also as a sample to show his business customers in Jakarta. 

9. MU thought she would only wait a day or two, but she ended up having to wait over a week. Every day Jerry telephoned MU telling her to be patient waiting for his friend that would bring her the bag. 

10. As requested by Jerry, MU met with two of Jerry’s friends named Muhammad and Badru in Studio 54 club. Muhammad gave the hand bag to MU. 

11. MU asked why the bag was so heavy, to which Muhammad replied that it was because the leather was high quality and well-made. 

 12. MU returned to Indonesia on 31 October 2001 via Sukarno Hatta airport. During the flight the handbag was together with her in the cabin. On landing in Jakarta, MU forgot to take her bag from the baggage compartment. She went out of the airport and was about to get in a taxi. However, remembering the bag she went back in to search for it in the lost and found. 

13. MU found the bag, but when she was on her way out the officer x-rayed her bag. 

14. Because she didn’t feel like she was hiding anything, MU gave him her bag to be examined and scanned in the x-ray machine. At that point it was found that there was 1.1 kg heroine hidden in the lining of the bag. MU was arrested at Soekarno-Hatta airport. 

15. MU tried to contact Jerry but the number was already non active. Similarly, the friends who knew Jerry couldn’t be contacted. Only later she found out that Jerry had many aliases’/ disguises. Legal Process 

16. MU experienced abuse three times, on examination at the airport, on the way to the police station (MU was taken to a hotel) and on further investigation. The form of abuse she experienced was repeated beating and sexual violence (sexual assault and attempted rape). MU was forced to confess that this heroine belonged to her. To avoid abuse MU said she fasted, but she was still beaten. 

17. On interrogation in police headquarters, MU was asked about her connection with the narcotics network which she didn’t know anything about. 

18. MU signed her police investigation report without understanding the details of the document, because she felt stressed and panicky. 

19. MU still feels the effects of this abuse today, with frequent flashes disturbing her vision. 

20. After her arrest and during her imprisonment, MU’s family distanced themselves and the relationships have been severed. The only member of her family who visits her is her child, and that was after she could get out of her father’s house (MU’s former husband). When her daughter married, MU’s exhusband told the family of her daughter’s new husband that MU was dead. MU’s daughter believes her mother is innocent. Legal Action Taken 

21. At the first court level MU was accompanied by a legal counsel provided by the police. The legal counsel only arrived at the time of the trial and never discussed her defence, only asking her to confess the crime. At the next legal stage MU was accompanied by a different legal counsel. 

22. MU was sentenced to death at the first court level, based on decision No. 140/Pid.B/2002/PN.Tng. 23. An appeal was made and the result upheld the decision of the District Court which was the death penalty with High Court Decision No. 175/Pid/2002/PT.Bdg. 24. MU filed an appeal and the result was Supreme Court Decision No. 1771 k/Pid/2002 : Refusal of this appeal. 

25. On 28 April 2014 a judicial review was filed. Information obtained from the Supreme Court website showed the judicial review decision had been issued; Refusal. This decision was published on 15 August 2014 and sent to Tangerang District Court on 14 March 2016. 

26. MU and her lawyer were waiting for the judicial review decision to be formerly given in order to request clemency from the President. The judicial review decision was given to MU at the same time she was met by officers to move her to Cilacap Prison on Saturday 23 July 2016. She was not accompanied by her lawyer at the time. 

27. MU has been imprisoned for almost 15 years. During this time she has been very actively involved in pioneering positive development activities in the prison, including the development of cultural arts, organic farming and spiritual activities. MU also gives strength to her fellow prisoners, especially those with long sentences or those sentenced to death. 28. MU is currently taking further legal action through a request for clemency

Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

Siaran Pers Komnas Perempuan Hentikan Eksekusi Mati ke 3: Apakah Negara Harus Menghukum Mati Perempuan Korban Kekerasan yang Terindikasi Korban Perdagangan Orang dan Korban Sindikat Narkoba?

Siaran Pers Komnas Perempuan Hentikan Eksekusi Mati ke 3:
Apakah Negara Harus Menghukum Mati Perempuan Korban Kekerasan yang Terindikasi Korban Perdagangan Orang dan Korban Sindikat Narkoba?
Jakarta, 26 Juli 2016

Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (Komnas Perempuan), sebagai mekanisme HAM Nasional dalam pemantauannya menemukan fakta kerentanan berlapis yang dialami perempuan pekerja migran, korban trafficking dan korban sindikasi kejahatan narkoba serta perlakuan semena-mena dalam proses peradilan dibalik hukuman mati. Berdasarkan pemantauan Komnas Perempuan, terhadap 12 pekerja migran dan atau keluarga terpidana mati di luar negeri serta 4 perempuan terpidana mati di Indonesia, ditemukan sejumlah hal  serius berikut ini:

1.      Jaringan perdagangan internasional narkoba menyasar dan memanfaatkan kerentanan perempuan pekerja migran karena mereka mempunyai paspor dan dokumen untuk dapat bergerak lintas negara, namun jauh dari pantauan keluarga dan perlindungan negara. Mereka adalah para perempuan pekerja migran yang sedang memperjuangkan hidupnya dan keluarganya untuk keluar dari kemiskinan dan menghindari kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) yang dialaminya. Berbagai modus yang digunakan jaringan tersebut,  dengan pendekatan personal, relasi pacaran dan penipuan untuk dijadikan kurir. Ironisnya, perempuan pekerja migran yang dijebak jadi kurir dan menjadi korban perdagangan orang baik proses, cara dan tujuan eksploitasi, kerap tidak dikenali aparat negara dan penegak hukum;

2.      Kejahatan sindikasi narkoba internasional menyasar perempuan muda, perempuan korban kekerasan terutama Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT), perempuan miskin dan perempuan dengan pendidikan maupun informasi yang terbatas;

3.      Terpidana mati perempuan dengan tuduhan kejahatan narkoba mengalami kekerasan dan diskriminasi berlipat karena pelakunya cenderung orang dekat atau dengan menggunakan modus pacaran/hubungan intim bahkan oleh suami atau sahabat sendiri. Terpidana rentan menjadi korban kekerasan seksual, pemukulan, dikucilkan atau bahkan dibuang oleh keluarga, mengalami penghukuman dan penghakiman sosial;

4.      Terpidana mati perempuan dengan tuduhan kejahatan narkoba mengalami kekerasan dan eksploitasi selama dalam proses penyidikan dan penyelidikan. Akses terhadap keadilan terbatas, baik dampingan hukum yang minim dan putusan pengadilan yang tidak mempertimbangkan posisinya sebagai korban perdagangan orang dan kejahatan narkoba. Pengadilan justru mengabaikannya dengan mempertimbangkan banyaknya kurir yang mengaku sebagai korban, namun tidak dibarengi dengan perbaikan sistem investigasi, penyelidikan dan penyidikan memadai dalam pemberantasan narkoba;

5.      Terpidana mati pada awalnya memilih tidak di ekspose media untuk menghindari resiko lebih buruk, dan baru memperbolehkan di ekspose ke publik pada detik-detik ketika akses keadilan hampir tertutup maupun haknya sudah dibatasi menjelang eksekusi;

6.      Hukuman mati adalah kejahatan yang bukan hanya menyiksa dan menghukum mati terpidana, tetapi juga menyiksa seluruh anggota keluarga mereka. Kekejaman yang dirasakan terpidana maupun keluarga adalah kematian yang dicabut oleh negara, bentuk dan proses penghukumannya, masa  traumatik sepanjang hidup dan penantian yang memicu atau berdampak beragam, baik upaya bunuh diri, kematian anggota keluarga, stroke dan sakit yang sulit pulih, gangguan mental dan ingatan, hingga hilang semangat hidup dan trauma maupun kebencian ekstrem pada sesuatu. Untuk itu maka hukuman mati melanggar hak asasi manusia.

Oleh karenanya, menyikapi rencana eksekusi tahap 3 ini, Komnas Perempuan menyatakan:

1. Komnas Perempuan sangat mendukung upaya serius negara untuk memberantas narkoba    hingga ke akar jaringan narkoba, namun menentang solusi hukuman mati, terlebih kepada perempuan korban perdagangan orang yang dijebak dan ditipu untuk menjadi kurir narkoba;

2.   Negara mengkaji dan mempertimbangkan penundaan eksekusi, terutama kepada MU (lihat detail lembar fakta) yang sedang mengajukan proses grasi akibat keterlambatan pemberitahuan penolakan PK. MU adalah perempuan mantan pekerja migran yang menjadi korban KDRT dan dipaksa menjadi pekerja migran oleh suami, dan berakhir dengan dijebak oleh sindikat narkoba internasional. MU terindikasi korban perdagangan orang yang terjebak dalam sindikat narkoba.

3.  Presiden RI agar mengabulkan upaya grasi yang tengah diajukan, khususnya oleh MU, agar seluruh upaya hukum dapat diberikan pada terpidana mati serta agar negara tidak melakukan kelalaian yang menghilangkan nyawa orang yang seharusnya dilindungi negara;

4. Negara harus mereformasi akses keadilan terutama perempuan korban melalui:
a. Memperbaiki sistem investigasi dan penanganan perempuan korban perdagangan orang yang dijebak dan ditipu untuk menjadi kurir narkoba;
b. Menguatkan sistem bantuan hukum dan memberi kesempatan kepada para terpidana mati, terutama perempuan korban kekerasan dan perdagangan orang untuk mendapatkan akses keadilan dan proses hukum yang adil dan komprehensif;
c. Menyerukan kepada seluruh Aparat Penegak Hukum (APH), untuk cermat memproses hukum para perempuan yang terjebak menjadi kurir narkoba dan menghindari putusan hukuman mati untuk menghindari penistaan keadilan bagi perempuan korban;

5. Menyerukan kepada semua pihak terutama media, untuk tidak membuat pemberitaan yang mereviktimisasi terpidana maupun keluarganya, karena terdakwa dan terpidana sudah cukup lama hidup dalam stigma dan trauma panjang.

Kontak Narasumber:
Azriana, Ketua (0811672441)
Yuniyanti Chuzaifah, Wakil Ketua (081311130330)
Sri Nurherwati, Subkomisi Reformasi Hukum dan Kebijakan (082210434703)
Adriana Venny, Komisioner Advokasi Internasional  (0856 1090 619)
Imam Nahei, Komisioner (082335346591)

Senin, 25 Juli 2016


            Gambar Lonceng dan Patung Buddha yang akan dilelang untuk dana sosial #MMSAB

LIPUTANSATU.COM . Mendengar  rencana nasional sosialisasi #MMSAB  (Matikan Motor Saat Antri BBM) dengan 7 Manfaat. Bedu seorang penduduk Bogor merelakan koleksi kesayangan untuk dilelang. Barang berupa Lonceng dan Patung Buddha tersebut bernilai seni yang luar biasa dengan tinggi hampir 70 Cm terbuat dari bahan perunggu itu dilelang mulai dari harga Rp.70 juta kata Bedu. Semua hasil lelang tersebut akan diserahkan ke Yayasan Promo Sijori ujar Bedu. 

Ketika ditanya mengapa Bedu mau merelakan kedua patung kesayangannya untuk dilelang. Menurut Bedu salah seorang keluarganya meninggal dunia di SPBU saat antri BBM beberapa tahun yang lalu. Itulah mengapa dia rela agar generasi Indonesia mengerti tentang manfaat sosialisasi MMSAB kata Bedu. 

Ruslan Andy Chandra selaku Kutua Yayasan Promo Sijori mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Bedu yang notabenenya sangat peduli dengan sosialisasi #MMSAB seraya menyampaikan bahwa tanggung jawab lingkungan adalah tanggung jawab kita semua. Jadi apa yang dihibahkan Bedu tetunya pasti sangat berguna untuk sosilisasi ini.

Menurut Andy  Chandra, pada saat ini  sebanyak 86.000.000 sepeda motor di Indonesia. Mereka antri berdesakan untuk mengisi Bensin di SPBU/Pompa bensin. Tetapi tidak semua orang tahu akan dampak dan  bahaya serta kerugian saat antri bensin di SPBU. Mereka banyak yang lupa dengan tidak mematikan motor saat antri bensin. Dengan sudah turun surat persetujuan Kementerian ESDM maka kami Yayasan Promo Sijori menggagas sosialisasi untuk masyarakat luas dengan mencetak stiker berhadiah dan dijual.  Adapun gerakan ini memiliki 7 Manfaat gerakan “Wajib Matikan Motor Saat Antri Bensin.” 1. Hemat BBM bersubsidi; 2. Mengurangi polusi; 3 Mengurangi Polusi Suara. 4. Aksi olah raga mendorong motor;  5. Mencegah aksi kriminal (hit and run)  6. Disiplin  Antri yang Berkeadilan dan 7 Membangun Karakter Bangsa. Andy berharap masyarakat, pengusaha dan pejabat hendaknya saling mendukung sosilisasi ini karena manfaatnya berdampak pada efek domino yang positif. Contoh kongkret dengan berhemat BBM di hulu (SPBU) maka akan menjadi mindset kita dimana saja kita berada untuk selalu berhemat energi. begitu juga dengan membangun karakter dengan tidak memberi asap polusi saat antri. Akan menjadikan kita sehat termasuk orang yang dibelakang motor kita. 

Andy menambahkan bahwa para peminat lelang ini dapat mengirimkan email ke yayasanps@gmail.com atau sms only ke 081294004611. Lelang akan ditutup tanggal 30 Juli 2016 pukul 24.00 WIB. Keputusan pemenang lelang kan diumumkan di media ini. 

Gambar Lonceng dan Patung yang kan dilelang. 


BMW i Vision Future Interaction wins special prize at Auto Test Sieger 2016 awards.

Concept car shown at the CES 2016 earns new distinction.

LIPUTANSATU.COM - Munich. The BMW i Vision Future Interaction has been presented with the inaugural special prize for connectivity at the Auto Test Sieger 2016 awards ceremony. The concept car had previously used the CES 2016 in Las Vegas to demonstrate how the user interface of the future might look in an autonomous car –helped by technology including high-resolution displays. All functions can be controlled using touch-sensitive surfaces and gestures. The BMW i Vision Future Interaction provides an impressive look ahead to the connected car of the future, which is integrated into the driver’s digital environment and is more intuitive and convenient to use.

The interior of the future. The BMW i Vision Future Interaction is based on the BMW i8 Concept Spyder. Its high-resolution Head-Up Display reflects the most important vehicle data onto the windscreen, while an instrument cluster displays other information three-dimensionally (auto stereoscopically) –e.g. on vehicles travelling in front or oncoming vehicles which are not yet in the driver’s field of vision. The 21-inch(approx.40 cm) panorama display is operated using gesture control. It works like a touchscreen that doesn’t need to be touched, sensors detecting hand movements in three dimensions. Touch-sensitive surfaces on the centre console provide additional usage options, allowing the user to navigate through menus by tapping and swiping, as with a smartphone.

When the driver gets into the BMW i Vision Future Interaction, this panorama display seamlessly presents the content which can be viewed on smart phones or other digital devices with the help of BMW Connected. The display adjusts automatically to the driving mode currently engaged. In a future scenario where vehicles are driving fully autonomously, the system could switch from all-audio transmission of phone calls, for example, to video transmission.

Presentation ceremony in Berlin. The special prize was presented at a ceremony held in Berlino n 20 July. German bi-monthly magazine Auto Testis Europe’s most widely read car-buying guide. It is also enclosed as a supplement with special-interest magazines Computer Bild and Sport Bild, which pushes its circulation up into the high hundreds of thousands.

Further information on the BMW i Vision Future Interaction is available atwww.press.bmwgroup.com
In case of queries please contact:
Corporate Communications
Nadja Horn, Spokesperson Digitalization / Connectivity & Digital Services
BMW Group Innovation and Design Communications
Telephone: +49-89-382-57185
Email: nadja.horn@bmwgroup.com

Cypselus von Frankenberg
Head of Innovation and Design Communications
Telephone: +49-89-382-30641
Email: cypselus.von-frankenberg@bmw.de
Internet: www.press.bmwgroup.com
Email: presse@bmw.de

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In 2015, the BMW Group sold approximately 2.247 million cars and nearly 137,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2015 was approximately € 9.22 billion on revenues amounting to € 92.18 billion. As of 31 December 2015, the BMW Group had a workforce of 122,244 employees.
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Undangan Konferensi Pers Jelang Eksekusi Hukuman Mati Tahap 3

Kepada Yth.
Pimpinan Redaksi Media
Di tempat

Dengan Hormat,

Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan (Komnas Perempuan) merupakan lembaga HAM nasional yang independen, dibentuk berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden No. 181 Tahun 1998 dan telah diperbaharui dengan Peraturan Presiden No. 65 Tahun 2005. Sesuai dengan Perpres tersebut, mandat Komnas Perempuan adalah untuk mengembangkan kondisi yang kondusif bagi penghapusan dan pencegahan segala bentuk kekerasan terhadap perempuan, memberikan saran dan pertimbangan kepada berbagai pihak dalam rangka mewujudkan upaya perlindungan, penegakan dan pemajuan hak asasi perempuan, termasuk hak asasi perempuan pekerja migran.

Tahun 2015 Indonesia telah melakukan eksekusi hukuman mati terhadap 14 orang baik WNI dan WNA yang tersangkut dalam kasus narkoba. Eksekusi tersebut dilakukan dalam 2 tahap yaitu 6 orang dieksekusi pada tanggal 18 Januari 2015 dan 8 orang pada tanggal 29 April 2015.

Tahun 2016 ini, pemerintah Indonesia akan melaksanakan eksekusi hukuman mati tahap 3 yang menyasar mereka yang terkait dengan kejahatan narkoba. Salah satu terpidana mati yang akan dieksekusi adalah MU, mantan pekerja migran sekaligus pernah menjadi korban KDRT. Salah satu modus yang sering digunakan oleh sindikat narkoba adalah melakukan upaya bujuk rayu dan penipuan bagi perempuan yang direkrut menjadi korbannya. MU pun menjadi korban dari tipu daya tersebut.  Saat ini MU telah menghabiskan hampir 15 tahun di penjara dan saat ini terancam dieksekusi.

Komnas Perempuan mengundang kawan-kawan media dalam konferensi pers terkait dengan rencana pelaksanaan eksekusi yang akan dilakukan dalam waktu dekat ini, konferensi pers tersebut akan dilakuan pada :
Hari/Tangga       : Selasa, 26 Juli 2016
Pukul                : 12.30 WIB - Selesai
Tempat              : Ruang Persahabatan Lt. 1 Komnas Perempuan
Narasumbe        : 1. Ketua Komnas Perempuan
                          2. Ketua Komnas HAM
                          3. Komisioner Komnas Perempuan & Komnas HAM

Demikian undangan ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kehadirannya kami ucapkan terima kasih

Jakarta, 25 Juli 2016

Sri Nurherwati
Ketua Gugus Kerja Pekerja Migran Komnas Perempuan

Selasa, 19 Juli 2016

Remarks by Ambassador Blake on “The U.S. and Indonesia: a Strategic Partnership of Promise and Opportunity” at the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), Jakarta

Jumat, 15 Juli 2016


Pertama-tama kita bersyukur bahwa kudeta oleh Rejim Militer Turki gagal total. Ini adalah pengalaman pahit buat Rejim Militer untuk berbuat dan menodai demokrasi. 

Sementara itu menurut Ezki dari medson mytakan bahwa Menteri Luar Negeri  Retno telah  melakukan komunikasi langsung pertelepon dengan sekitar 60 WNI yang saat ini terjebak di Bandara Attaturk Istanbul.

Dalam pembicaraan tersebut Menlu Retno menenangkan para WNI, menghimbau mereka agar tetap tenang dan tidak panik, untuk tidak keluar dari bandara, memberikan update situasi keamanan terakhir serta memastikan bahwa KJRI Istanbul sudah mengetahui keberadaan mereka dan akan segera memberikan bantuan yang diperlukan begitu dibuka akses ke Bandara. Sejauh ini dipastikan semua WNI yang terjebak di Bandara Attaturk Istanbul dalam keadaan selamat.

Ini dia daftar WNI yang saat ini masih berada di Bandara Attaturk Turki dan berada dalam pantauan Kemlu/KJRI Istanbul. Daftar ini diperoleh dari dari Bapak Qomaruzzaman Badri Umar yang secara sukarela mengkoordinasikan Para WNI di Bandara Attaturk:
1. Bambang Purwinto Soeparto
2. Roeswandi, Roekiman Roestamadji
3. Rina Yuniarti Kurnia
4. Raka Reyhananda Andi
5. Kintan Putri Resvaldy
6. Debby Rismawati, Telaumbanua
7. Tadjuddin Ius Agung
8. Nazla Meuthia Tadjuddin
9. Danish Danial Tadjuddin
10. Davin Gifara Tadjuddin
11. Maezar Maolana, Udjang Dady
12. Imas Yayah Suryani
13. Aiko Maolana
14. Aoki Maolana
15. Sri Widyati Sutjipto
16. Kartika Laksmi Sutjipto
17. Adristi Sitineysa Prasetyo
18. Muhammad Vito Prasetyo
19. Chairul Saleh, Waro
20. Riezca Ausvia, Ausri
21. Isnania Nurlintang Aqmarina
22. Amalia Nuril Aqmarina
23. Qomaruzzaman, Badri Umar
24. Oktarina Kariani Hamid
1. Nesya Yunitasari
2. Rujito Siswoyo Putro
3. Julianti Sukadi Sukatno
4. Nabilah Fadwa Siswoyo Putri
5. Cahaya Marwah Siswoyo Putri
6. Muhamad Aziz Fahrit
7. Nur Muhammad Ihsan Mufidz
8. Muhammad Wahid Abdulloh
1. Findi Yapin Lie
2. Luluq Carbellani Erwan
3. Camila Bani Alawia
4. Rachmat Santosa
5. Deni Karnia
6. Vennyra Alpan Kowtianata
7. Sidharta Utama
8. Cyntia Afriani
9. Jasmine Nadhira
10. Farrel Azhar Sarfaraz
11. Inita Lianawati
12. Azwar Darassim
13. Widyawati Jahja
14. Ni Penelope Aiku
15. Freshta Rio
16. Rio Chandra
1. Rabin Upakerti Rana
2. Agus Ellan Budiono
3. Andreas Kurniawan
4. Munarto
5. Ate Nurmasyah Tohirin
6. Rudi Sugiarto
7. Yanuar Anwas
8. Agustiar
9. Supama
10. Widya Kusuma
11. Rahayu Ferlina
12. Anatolia Marrakesh

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2016


  Gedung Sarinah, Lantai 12, (YPBB) , Jl. M.H, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat
  Telepon: 021-31906807 -  Fax: 021 3153401
  Handphone : 081294004611
  Email           : yayasanps@gmail.com
      Blog              : Liputan Satu,  Senator Indonesia dan  Indonesia Jaya
      Bank            : BNI  Cabang Gambir No. 0264870188-Yayasan Promo Sijori



Dear Sir,

Kindly we inform you, that we have a program for Socialization and Civilize “Turn Off the Motor Cycle While Queueing Fuel. This program endorsed by Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) - Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources   subject the socialization  support of “Matikan Motor Saat Antri BBM”  (MMSAB )“Turn off the Motor Cycle While Queueing (Number: 6385/04 / SJH / 2015, dated 7 September 2015 and the letter of Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi - Directorate General of Oil and Natural Gas, No. 7442 / 19:11/DMT/2015 dated September 18, 2015 attended to us (attached its copy). Herewith we submit the proposal for sponsorship support and assistance.
We have noted that  there are 7 (seven) benefits of the movement of  “Turn off the Motor Cycle Machine While Queued for  Gasoline" for motorists, they are 1). Save Subsidized Fuel; 2). Reduce smoke pollution; 3). Prevent Poisoning of Carbon Monoxide; 4). Reduce Noice Pollution; 5). Exercise Sports While  Pushing  Motor Bikes;  6). To Prevent Criminal Actions (Hit and Run); and 7).To Buid Character of Diciplined Culture.

We also inform that the victims in the gas stations of  collapsed and died has been a spotlight of mass media Merdeka.Com: that is  'Lining up for hours for fuel at the Gas Station, Sujudin died caused of  tired.' Bhasa FM radio on the Internet with the title: “Fatigue Due to  Queued Motorists was Fainting."  We expect that 86 million of motorcycles users may  receive education with this socialization. And  the public may prevent any minor smokes that can be enlarged. Moreover, it  can damage health, burn property and Indonesian forests that makes our anxieties as well as our neighbor countries.

So do we sumbit this application and thank you for your assistance and good cooperation.

Best regards,

Ruslan  Andy Chandra


“Turn Off the Motor Cycle While Queueing Fuel"


Socialization and Civilize
“Turn Off the Motor Cycle While Queueing Fuel"

A. Background

We, Yayasan Promo Sijori (Promo Sijori Foundation) and volunteers and activists who have been actively socializing  Indonesia Berbagi Jalan - "Indonesia Shares the Road " and Satu Meter Untuk Roda Dua  "One Meter for Two Wheels” or  One for Two" to help the  the rights of  the bycicle and motorcycle users. The goal is that the government and the private sector continue to build the infrastructure for a two-wheeler. In addition it also helps to  build the mindset of driver to always provide the emergency lane "one meter" for the two-wheeler in the left lane of busy road.

Density on the highway and quantity of motorcycles increase very rapidly at this time. The number of motorcycles in 2013, according to the BPS had reached 84,732,652. While the latest data from the Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI), a total of 7,825,449 units of motorcycles sold during the year 2014. The accidents also increased. According to data from Korp Lalu Lintas (Korlantas) Polri - Police Trafic Corps in 2014, motorcycle accidents increased by 5.34% compared with the year before. The fact that quite fantastic and makes sad is that most accident victims are students of 15-19 years of age, which reached 12% of total cases, that is 3,157 people.

The other motorists events  equally important and not many people know is the victim of collapsed and even died while queuing at gas station. (Attached the Clipping of article news). It is suspected that the causes of motorists is the victim of exhaust pollution/carbon monoxide poisoning. Another experience of the case is an accident may occur the motorists poisoned because it  could not concentrate fully.

World Bank noted that 70 percent of the source of pollution comes from motor vehicle exhaust emissions. The pollution of which contain substances carbon monoxide (CO) by 58 percent, nitrogen oxide (NOx) 54 per cent, 88.8 per cent hydrocarbons, and lead (Pb) 90 percent. Other pollutant is sulfur oxides (SOx), which is harmful for  health. Many developed countries today support low-carbon development.

In Law No. 23 of 1997  subject Environmental Management (UUPLH) however, environmental problems not only be the domain of the stakeholders alone. Furthermore, we consider environmental issues is a problem of all mankind/the whole nation in the world, where all human/nations have the same rights and obligations towards  a good and healthy environment.

Based on those issues, Yayasan Promo Sijori, Notary Ded of Desning SH,  No. 2. Year 2000 was approved by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) about the socialization support  "Turn off The Engine While Queueing for  Gasoline" (MM-SAB) for motorists, Number: 6385/04 / SJH / 2015, dated September 7, 2015 and the letter of the Directorate General  of Oil and Natural Gas, No. 7442 / 19:11 / DMT / 2015 dated September 18, 2015. While socialization "One Meter for Two Wheels or One for Two," has received a letter of approval from the National Police Headquarters, No. B / 829 / VII / 2011 / Korlantas, dated July 29, 2011 and the Ministry of State Secretariat RI No. B-327 / Kemsetneg /ormas –LSM/DH.02.02 / 10/2011, dated October 26, 2011. 


1. To establish safety, care of   others queued for  fuel and cultures of  subsidized efficient energy;
2. To give the public knowledge about the effects of motorcycles  pollution and  to overcome it;
3. To establish mutually  respect  as motorcyclists;
4. To reduce the impact of  accidents post-charging fuel caused by poisoning pollution.
5. Educates  the public about the problem of smoke, pollution danger and othes impacts.


The benefits and advantages of "Turn off the Machine When Queueing for  Gasoline ' socialization for people who use motorcycles are:

1. To Save Subsidized  Gasoline / Fuel;
2. To Reduce Carbon Haze Pollution;
3. To Reduce Pollution Noice;
4. To Exercise Sports while Pushing Motor bikes
5. To Prevent Poisoning and Fall of Fatalities;
6. To Prevent Criminal Actions (Begal) and
7. To Participate Character Building and Preserving National Culture.


 1. Distribution  of 1,000,000 stickers, and banners placement;
 2. Socialization in the mass media, local, national and social media;
 3. Talk shows and seminars, interactive discussions;
 4. Road shows, photo exhibitions/socialization granting   of the Charter Award;
 5. Appreciation of care for two-wheel/ granting of Charter Award;


1. The Users of Motorcycle;
2. The general public;
3. Students.


The activities commenced as of 01 November 2015 up to 31 December 2016 in Social Media and throughout the Provincial Capitals and  the prioritized cities.


This activity is funded by individual assistance fund, the private,  and government. For sponsorship contra we attach the form.  The fund assistance can be transferred to:  Yayasan Promo Sijori,
Bank BNI Branch Gambir, Jakarta,  Account Number No. 0264870188. 


So  do we submit this proposal. We thank you very much for your support.  May your assistance benefit to our global communitites

Best regards,

Team Of Socialization and Civilize “Turn Off the Motor Cycle While Queueing Fuel,

Tanda tangan RAC
Ruslan  Andy Chandra








Care of Healthy

Inclusion of the Logo on Stickers
Inclusion of the Logo on Banners
Inclusion of logo in the Std.Banner
Inclusion of logo in the Backdrop
Inclusion of logo in the Media Online
Received the Charter Award              

5 x 10
200 x 50
100 x 50
250 x 250
300x130 Px

3 Month


Care of Harmony

Inclusion of the Logo on Stickers
Inclusion of the Logo on Banners
Inclusion of logo in the Std. Banner
Inclusion of logo in the Backdrop
Received the Charter Award

5 x 10
200 x 50
100 x 50
250 x 250



Care of Minimalism

Inclusion of the logo on stickers
Inclusion of the logo on banners
Inclusion of logo in the Standing Banner
Inclusion of logo in the Backdrop
Received the Charter Award

5 x 10
200 x 50
100 x 50
250 x 250



Hereby declare that we as donors/sponsors agreed to support these activities by taking Package:…... Donation Rp ...................... ..................... (...................................................... .. .................................)

Other Donation:  ....................................................................................................................................

Donation/ assistance can be transferred to the Yayasan Promo Sijori, Bank BNI Gambir, Jakarta Account No.0264870188. Email of  transfer information to: yayasanps@gmail.com.

Donor / Sponsor,


(                                                                     ) 

(Ruslan Andy Chandra)
Director Yayasan Promo Sijori





Kelelahan Antri BBM Pengendara Motor Pingsan
antri BBM pengendara motor pingsan
Aparat kepolisian Dibantu petugas SPBU mengevakuasi korban dari atas sepeda motornya (Foto. Zaini Zain)
Situbondo- Diduga karena kelelahan mengantri BBM di SPBU, pengendara sepeda motor Nopol P 6551 W jatuh pingsan. Tubuhnnya mendadak ambruk setelah berjam-jam antri di SPBU Jalan Basuki Rahmad, Kelurahan Mimbaan, Kecamatan Panji.
Korbannya bernama Sarijo, warga Desa Curahkalak, Kecamatan Jangkar. Pria berusia 51 tahun mendadap pinsang, saat berada di dekat pengisian. Aparat kepolisian yang menertibkan antrian di SPBU langsung menolong korban. Dibantu petugas SPBU polisi mengevakuasi korban dari atas sepeda motornya.
Kemungkinan korban kelelahan karena mengantri sekitar 3 jam di SPBU. Korban antri sejak pukul 10 pagi hingga pukul 12 siang di bawah terik matahari.
Begitu sadar, Sarijo mengaku tidak tahu apa yang terjadi dengan dirinya. Sarijo mengaku pandangannya gelap kemudian tak sadarkan diri.
Sementara itu, supervesor SPBU Jalan Basuki Rahmad, Heriyanto, mengatakan,  dalam beberapa hari terakhir ini tidak ada pengurangan stok BBM  dari Pertamina. Menurut Heriyanto, antrian panjang di sejumlah SPBU tersebut kemungkinan disebabkan karena keterlambatan pasokan BBM dari Pertamina. Zaini Zain.
Antri pengendara motor pingsan1
Sarijo 51 th pingsan saat antri selama 3 jam di SPBU

Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014 15:08:04

Berjam-jam antre BBM di SPBU, Sujidin tewas kelelahan
Reporter : Imam Mubarok

Berjam-jam antre BBM di SPBU, Sujidin tewas kelelahan
Sujidin tewas antre BBM. ©2014 merdeka.com/imam mubarok
Sujidin (54) warga Desa Tunge Kecamatan Wates Kabupaten Kediri tewas setelah berjam-jam antre BBM di SPBU Carikan Kecamatan Wates. Nyawa korban tak tertolong saat hendak dibawa ke Puskesmas Wates, Sabtu siang (30/8).

Keterangan Kasubag Humas Polres Kediri, AKP Budi Nurtjahjo korban antre sejak pagi untuk mengisi premium untuk kendaraan bermotornya.

"Di tengah-tengah antrean korban terlihat lemas dan pusing. Kemudian oleh petugas SPBU diminta istirahat dan dibawa ke puskesmas bersama anggota polisi yang siaga di SPBU mengatur antrean," kata Budi pada merdeka.com.

Namun, belum sampai di puskesmas, lanjut Budi, korban sudah meninggal dunia. Selanjutnya oleh petugas puskesmas korban dilakukan visum et repertum.

"Korban meninggal karena kelelahan dan hasil visum sesuai surat yang dibuat Polsek Wates nomor LP. No :17/VIII/2014 Sek. Wates tidak ada tanda-tanda penganiayaan sebelum korban melakukan antrean BBM," tambah Budi

Socialization and Civilize

     Sosialisasi di Mabes POLRI                                Sosilisasi di Seminar Kebudayaan
Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/MatikanMotorSaatAntriBBM

Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/MatikanMesinSaatAntriBensin

Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/7KEUNTUNGANPEMOTOR


Twitter : https://twitter.com/search?q=%23MatikanMesinSaatAntriBensin&src=typd

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ruslanandychandra

Blog : http://liputansatu.blogspot.com/2015/07/petisi-untuk-pengguna-sep

LINK PETISI: https://www.change.org/p/jangan-biarkan-korban-berjatuhan-saat-antri-bensin-di-spbu?recruiter=29845695&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink