Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Malam Penghargaan Achmad Bakrie ke-11Jakarta, 25 Agustus 2013

Pertama-tamasaya ingin mengajak seluruh hadirin untukmemanjatkan puji dan syukur ke hadapan Allah SWT, karena hanya atasrahmat-NYAkita dapat bertemu dan merayakan pemberian Penghargaan Achmad Bakrie ke-11pada malam yang berbahagia ini.Selanjutnya, perkenankanlah saya mengucapkan selamat serta penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada para tokohbangsa kita, yaitu para ilmuwan, sastrawan, pemikir, dokter, dan peneliti muda yang terpilih sebagai penerima Penghargaan Achmad Bakrie pada tahun ini.  Secara bersama-sama mereka semua telah memberi kontribusi besar dalam bidang masing-masingserta memperkaya pencapaian kehidupan dalam masyarakat Indonesia.Profesor Emil Salim dengan karya dan pengabdiannya, Pak Remy Sylado dengan puisi-puisinya, dokter Irawan Yusuf serta Profesor Muhilal dengan dedikasi dan karya-karyanya, serta DoktorOki Gunawan dengan terobosan dan kreatifitasnya: Mereka semua adalah putra-putra terbaik bangsa Indonesia. Mereka berkarya, mereka memberi arti pada kehidupan lewat pengabdian di jalan yang jauh dari hiruk-pikuk dan gelimang materi. Dunia mereka adalah dunia penciptaan dan kreatifitas, dunia pengabdian serta kecintaan pada sesama manusia.Lewat itu semua,mereka telah memberi kontribusi yang membanggakan. Dan karena itulah, kepada Emil Salim, Remy Sylado, Irawan Yusuf, Muhilal, dan Oki Gunawan –kepada mereka semua bangsa Indonesia perlu menyampaikan terima kasih yang setinggi-tingginya.Itulah tujuan kita menyelenggarakan Malam Penghargaan Achmad Bakrie.Sengaja waktu perayaan ini dipilih di seputar perayaan Proklamasi 17 Agustus(walaupun untuk tahun ini, karena berimpitan dengan lebaran dan liburan panjang setelahnya, waktu perayaan kita mundurkan sedikit). Inilah salah satu cara terbaik dalam merayakan kemerdekaan: sebab ia mengingatkan serta memberi inspirasi kepada kita semua bahwa kemajuan suatu bangsa hanya mungkin dicapai lewat kemajuan dalam dunia ilmu, lewat terobosandalam dunia
2 pemikiran dan kreatifitas, serta lewat kemajuan danpengabdian yang sungguh-sungguh dalam bidang kedokteran dan kesehatan masyarakat.Tahun ini kemerdekaan Indonesia sudah berjalan hampir tujuh dasawarsa. Dalam satu generasi ke depan, yaitu generasi anak dan cucu kita sekarang, perayaan kemerdekaan bangsa kita akan bertuliskan 100 tahun, atau seabad kemerdekaan Indonesia, yaitu tahun 2045.Dalam usia saya sekarang, barangkali terlalu berlebihan jika saya berharap bahwa saya masih sanggup merayakan datangnya hari bersejarah tersebut(saat itu saya akan berusia 98 tahun, dan jika diizinkan Allah SWT, pada tahun 2045saya masih akan kuat untuk jogging dan bermain tenistiga kali seminggu...). Tapi saya bermimpi, saya berharap, dan saya kira kita semua sebagai bangsa juga bertekad bahwa perayaan seabad Proklamasi kelak adalah sebuah perayaan yang penuh rasa syukur, sebuah perayaan dengan penuh kebanggaan oleh semua anak bangsa, sebab saat itu Indonesia telah menjadi negara maju, sebuah negara yang telah sepenuhnya modern, sejahtera, dengan kemajuan teknologi, dengan tingkat kebudayaan yang tinggi, dengan tingkat pendidikandan prestasi anak-anak Indonesiayang tidak kalah oleh bangsa-bangsa maju lainnya.Itulah Indonesia yang kita dambakan. Itulah Indonesia yang dimaksudkan oleh para pendiri bangsa kita saat memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia68 tahun yang silam.Indonesia yang membanggakan. Indonesia yang menjadi tempat persemaian kreatifitasdan gagasan-gagasan yang cemerlang. Indonesia yang sanggup memberikan kesempatan kepada setiap warganya untuk mencari kehidupan yang lebih baik, untuk berusaha sesuai dengan bakat dan kemampuannya, serta untuk menjadi manusia-manusia yang produktif dalam lingkungan masyarakat yang damai, bersahabat dan saling menghargai.That is Indonesia in my dream. Dan saya yakin bahwa itulahIndonesia yang juga didambakan oleh semua,  dari Sabang di ujung barat hingga Merauke di ujung paling timurzamrud khatulistiwa yang indah ini. Sekarang, adalah tugas kita semua, sebuah tugas dan kewajiban yang teramat mulia, agar masing-masing dari kita memberikan kontribusidalam berbagai bidang, betapapun kecilnya,untuk memastikan bahwa mimpi dan tujuan besar tersebut memang akan tercapai. Kita harus merawat Indonesia, membesarkannya, serta mengantarkannya memasuki pintu gerbang seabad Proklamasi dengan kepalategak danmata yang berbinar. Para pahlawan di masa lalu telah melaksanakan peran mereka. Sekarang adalah tugas kita melanjutkannya dengan lebih baik, sesuai dengan konteks dan tantangan zaman globalisasi ini.Bung Hatta pernah mengutip Isaac Newton, fisikawan Inggris terbesar sepanjang zamanyangmenemukan teori gravitasi. Beliau berkatabahwa“kita yang hidup di masa kini sesungguhnya hanya berdiri di pundak orang-orang besar di masa lalu.” Sekarang, di awal

3 abad ke-21 ini, kita mendapat kesempatan emas, dengan pijakan yang cukup kokoh, dengan modal dasar Indonesia yang sudah cukup memadai, untuk terus melanjutkan perjuangan mencapai cita-cita dan mimpi kita bersama. Kita berani bermimpi, dan kita juga harus berani untuk bertindak dalammengukir berbagai prestasi yang membanggakan.Seperti yang telah dicontohkan oleh para penerima Penghargaan Achmad Bakrie, yang sekarang jumlah sudah hampir mencapai 50 tokoh dalam sebelas tahun, setiap orang, setiap anak bangsa Indonesia, mampu dan perlu memberikan sumbangan dalam bidang masing-masing. Itulah tauladan yang baik. Itulah contoh kehidupan yang kita harapkan menjadi inspirasi bagi jutaan anak-anak muda bangsa Indonesia untuk menggantungkan cita-cita mereka setinggi langitdan berusaha mencapai prestasi-prestasi besar dalam hidup dan karir mereka.Anak-anak muda Indonesia harus melangkah lebih jauh lagi, sebab dunia mereka sekarang dan di masa depan menyajikan begitu banyak kemudahan, begitu banyak kesempatan dan peluang untuk maju dan berkembang.Jika semua itu memang terjadi, maka Insya Allahjalan Indonesia dalam mencapai kejayaan yang paripurna di tahun 2045 akan lebih mulus dan pasti. Adalah tugas dan kewajiban dari generasi orang dengan seumur saya, sebuah generasi di ujung jalan, sebuah generasi di batas waktu, untuk memastikansertauntuk berusaha sejauh mungkinmemperkuat fondasi Indonesia agar semua cita-cita mulia tersebut dapat terwujud, baik fondasi dalam dunia ekonomi, dunia pendidikan, maupun dunia politik dan pemerintahan.Dalam hal itu, perkenankanlah saya dalam kesempatan ini untuk juga mengajak dan menghimbau semua pemimpin dari berbagai kalangan, khususnya mereka yang memimpin di dunia politik dan pemerintahan,untuk tidak pernah lupabahwa kemajuan Indonesia harus terus diperjuangkan dan hanya mungkin dicapai bukan dengan mempertajam perbedaan yang ada, tetapi justru dengan mencari dan menjalin persamaan yang lebih erat di antara semua elemen bangsa. Terus terang, himbauan seperti itu juga saya tujukan kepada diri saya sendiri. Insya Allah, saya akan memperhatikannya dengan sungguh-sungguh. Kita semua tahu bahwa semakin dekat ke Pemilu tahun depan, suhu kompetisi kepemimpinan di Indonesia akan semakin meningkat. John F. Kennedy pernah berkata bahwa statesmen govern the country with prose, but they campaign with poetry. Karena itu, dalam beberapa bulan ke depan, dari kalangan politisi akan semakin banyak ditebarkan puisi dan janji-janji. Semua itu tentusaja wajar adanya, sebuah dinamika yang menjadi kembangnyademokrasi yang semakin matang. Namun kita juga berharap bahwa di samping riuh rendahnya janji dan kembang kata-kata, kompetisi politik Indonesia juga memberikan substansi serta memberikan arah bagi perjalanan bangsa kita ke depan.

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

BMW Concept M4 Coupe – the true essence of BMW M

The BMW Concept M4 Coupe.

Pebble Beach/Munich. On 15 August, surrounded by both current and historic BMW models, BMW M tonight offered a first outlook on a high-performance sports car of tomorrow – the BMW Concept M4 Coupe. The car was unveiled at the BMW opening media reception for the iconic annual Pebble Beach/Monterey automobile weekend.

“The BMW Concept M4 Coupe reflects the BMW M philosophy in ideal form: It combines motor racing genes and unrestricted everyday suitability in a highly emotional overall concept. For four generations, the BMW M3 has put motor racing on the road and the BMW Concept M4 Coupe consistently continues to pursue this fundamental idea. The new model designation “M4” refers – like all other BMW M automobiles – to the series on which this concept car is based,” explains Dr. Friedrich Nitschke, President BMW M Division.
THE DESIGN OF THE NEW BMW CONCEPT M4 COUPE. The BMW Concept M4 Coupe, finished in the colour “Aurum Dust” exclusively developed for this model, continues with BMW M’s design language – strong in character, emotional and extremely dynamic. From every perspective it is the embodiment of agility, dynamism and superior performance. Large air inlets in the dynamic front, a swift design language in the side and a sporty, low rear give clear visual indication of the car’s tremendous dynamic potential. CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastics)
elements such as the front splitter, the roof, or the rear diffuser underline the optimized lightweight concept down to the smallest detail.

“At BMW M, design is above all an expression of function. Each design element is based on the underlying technical demands of the BMW M high performance concept. Thanks to this authenticity, the design provides a taste of what can be experienced with each model: Power, precise control and superior handling – an unforgettable driving experience on the racetrack as well as on the road” says Adrian van Hooydonk, head of BMW Group Design.
THE FRONT END. Faceted surfaces, precise contours and distinctive visual depth shape the powerfully expressive front end of the BMW Concept M4 Coupe.
The classic “BMW face” with its double kidney and a modern interpretation of the twin round headlamps featuring LED technology provides the car with a distinctive identity, making it recognizable as a BMW M automobile at very first glance. The bonnet with its characteristic power dome symbolises the immense power of the engine that lies beneath it. This dynamic element is further emphasized by a distinctive contour. A further striking feature on the front of the new BMW Concept M4 Coupe is the BMW M double bar kidney grille: The black kidney grille bars imitate the characteristic M double spoke design of the BMW M wheels, the M4 emblem on the kidney grille adding an exclusive accent to the front end.

The powerfully shaped front apron sporting the carbon fibre front splitter immediately catches the eye. The three large air intakes supply the high performance power unit with sufficient cooling air. At the same time, the interplay of surfaces, contours and volume authentically express the car’s supreme potential.

The sharply outlined vertical air vents located in the outer section of the side air intakes, the so-called Air Curtain is a design statement of its own. Together with the Air Breather, this feature ensures the aerodynamic closure of the wheel arches and consequently, improved air flow and fuel consumption.

THE SIDE. Viewed from the side, the dynamic impression conveyed by the front end continues. A streamlined, flat silhouette and an athletic body design characterize the BMW Concept M4 Coupe. Typical BMW proportions – a long bonnet, long wheelbase, set-back greenhouse and a short front overhang – create an exceptionally dynamic appearance even when the car is at a standstill. Muscular wheel arches and the powerfully expressive surface language reveal the BMW Concept M4 Coupe’s supreme performance capabilities at very first glance.

The flowing roofline enhances the BMW Concept M4 Coupe’s sporty design with elegant finesse. As a visible high-tech lightweight element, the contoured CFRP roof characterizes the BMW Concept M4 Coupe’s technically innovative design.

The CFRP roof reduces weight and ensures a lower centre of gravity, thus facilitating an even sportier driving experience. Here, form and functionality are optimally combined in typical BMW M fashion. The coupe-like roofline flows into the muscularly designed rear end, which then adopts the contour of the roof. A rear spoiler lip is integrated into the trunk lid for optimum downforce. Thanks to this feature, the BMW Concept M4 Coupe not only has better downforce values, but when viewed from the side, also gains in volume and length, in athletic presence. Below it, the boldly shaped, muscular sill emphasizes the car’s sportive stance on the road.

A conspicuous detail on the car’s side panels is the redesigned M gill. This characteristic M design element constitutes a both sporty and functional statement. On the Concept M4 Coupe, the M gills incorporate the Air Breather, which together with the Air Curtain within the front apron serves to ventilate the wheel arches and facilitate better airflow values. Exclusively designed, bicoloured 20” M light alloys boasting the typical M double spoke design complete the sportive design of the car’s sides. The five filigree double-spokes rims with polished outer surfaces reveal
M Carbon ceramic brakes.

THE REAR. The muscular rear end of the BMW Concept M4 Coupe gives visual indication of the car’s supreme power. The entire tail section boasts a sculptural and broad appearance. The large shaded areas beneath the spoiler give the rear end an even flatter and athletic appearance. At the same time, the flat taillights located far to the outside, the wide track and the powerfully flared wheel arches underscore the car’s stable stance on the road. Horizontal lines accentuate the car’s width, lowering the visual centre of gravity even further.

Within the tail section of the BMW Concept M4 Coupe, the design feature of the front apron comprising faceted surfaces is formally replicated and continued further. The interplay of surfaces and precise contours around the optical air vents further accentuates the rear end’s dynamic design. Twin tailpipes are a characteristic M feature on the rear end. The two pairs of carbon fibre tailpipes are encompassed by the sculptural rear apron. A carbon fibre rear diffuser completes the overall aerodynamics package.
The BMW M GmbH.
The BMW M GmbH is a one hundred percent subsidiary of the BMW AG. With products and services in the five business areas BMW M Automobiles, BMW M Performance Automobiles, BMW Individual, M Sport Packages and Options, BMW Group Driving Experience as well as security, emergency and special purpose vehicles, it addresses customers with particularly high demands on the performance, exclusivity and individuality of their automobile. The Munich-based company was founded in 1972 as the BMW Motorsport GmbH. Since then, the letter M has been internationally synonymous with success in motor sports and with the fascination of high-performance sports cars for use in everyday road traffic.

The BMW M GmbH possesses the status of an independently operating automobile manufacturer. In the business year 2012, the BMW M GmbH achieved worldwide sales of just under 27,000 vehicles.

In the event of enquires please contact:
Benjamin Titz, Product Communications BMW M Automobiles
Telefon: +49-89-382-22998, Fax: +49-89- 382-20626

Ralph Huber, Head of Product Communications BMW Automobiles
Telephone: +49-89-382-68778, Fax: +49-89-382-20626
Internet: www.press.bmwgroup.com
E-Mail: presse@bmw.de
The BMW Group
With its brands – BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce – the BMW Group is one of the world’s most successful premium manufacturers of cars and motorcycles. It operates internationally with 29 production and assembly sites in 14 countries and a global sales network with representation in more than 140 countries.
During the financial year 2012, the BMW Group sold 1.85 million cars and more than 117,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for 2011 was Euro 7.38 billion on revenues amounting to Euro 68.82 billion. At 31 December 2011, the BMW Group had a workforce of approximately 100,000 employees.
Long-term thinking and responsible action have long been the foundation of the BMW Group’s success. Striving for ecological and social sustainability along the entire value-added chain, taking full responsibility for our products and giving an unequivocal commitment to preserving resources are prime objectives firmly embedded in our corporate strategies. For these reasons, the BMW Group has been sector leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for the past eight years.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BMWGroup
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BMWGroup
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BMWGroupview
Google+: http://googleplus.bmwgroup.com

If you have any questions regarding this press release, please contact:
BMW Group
Daniel Chan

Tel.: +65-6838-9639
Fax: +65-6838-9611
E-mail: daniel.chan@bmwasia.com

Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Acara Forum Diskusi Unggulan SC Johnson Indonesia 2013

Description: Screen shot 2013-05-06 at 9
Description: Screen shot 2013-05-06 at 9

LIPUTANSATU - Sejak 2006. SC Johnson Indonesia telah melakukan beberapa program pencegahan demam berdarah, antara lain: “Baygon® Lifelines”, “Baygon® Care 2 share”, “Baygon® Max” dan “Awas DB”. Program – program tersebut dilaksanakan dalam rangka mendukung pemerintah dalam mengurangi insiden demam berdarah. Akan tetapi, kasus demam berdarah terus meningkat dan Indonesia berada di posisi kedua di dunia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.
Di tingkat ASEAN, Indonesia berada merupakan negara dengan angka inseiden demam berdarah tertinggi mencapai 129,435 kasus antara periode 2004-2010, berdasarkan estimasi WHO 2012. Sedangkan Thailand dan Philipina, sebagai contoh, masing-masing mencapai 60,205 dan 54,630 kasus diperiode yang sama.
Karena itu pada SC Johnson Indonesia beserta Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI) dalam rangka memperingati ASEAN Dengue Day 2013 yang jatuh setiap 15 Juni, mengadakan forum diskusi kesehatan multi-sektor yang akan dihadiri oleh ahli-ahli kesehatan dari Kementerian Kesehatan RI, IAKMI, Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta dan pakar kesehatan lainnya. Acara ini diselenggarakan dengan tujuan untuk bersama-sama menciptakan suatu kerangka kerja kegiatan lansung dalam penanggulangan demam berdarah di Indonesia.
Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai forum diskusi kesehatan multi-sektor tersebut; kami mengundang rekan – rekan media sekalian untuk turut hadir dan berpartisipasi pada acara yang akan diselenggarakan pada Kamis, 27 Juni 2013 di Ritz Carlton Hotel, Ballroom 2, Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Kav. E1 No. 1 Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950. Sebagai pembicara adalah
Prof. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Sp(K), MARS, DTM&H, DTCE, Dirjen P2PL Kementerian Kesehatan, Husein Habsyi, SKM MHCOmm, Wakil Ketua Umum IAKMI, Dr. Budi Haryanto, SKM, MSPH, MSc, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas  Indonesia. Denga moderator Dr. Agustin Kusumayati, MPH. PhD dari jurusan kesehatan lingkungan FKM-Universitas Indonesia (tentative).

Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013


The Hon. Melissa Parke MP, Minister for International Development


29 July 2013

Minister for International Development, Melissa Parke, today announced the Government’s decision to establish a new Australian Ambassador for Disability-Inclusive Development.

Minister Parke said the ambassador will advocate for people with disability in developing countries to have access to the same opportunities as others and an equal say in the decisions that affect their communities. The appointment process will take place in the coming weeks.

“Australia will be the first country to have an ambassador focused solely on disability-inclusive development. We are demonstrating to the world how central the matter of disability-inclusion is to our international aid efforts,” Minister Parke said.

The ambassador will enhance Australia’s leadership in this area by championing the inclusion of disability within international commitment frameworks, including discussions on the post-2015 development agenda; asking partner governments to do their part in supporting people living with a disability; and ensuring that Australia continues to set a leading example through its aid program.

“As a Minister in the government that has delivered DisabilityCare within Australia, I’m proud that we are also a leading nation when it comes to providing disability-inclusive assistance to developing nations. Ensuring that people with disability are included in, and benefit equally from, Australia’s aid program is a priority for this Government. We will continue to advocate internationally for this cause, especially as a new global development framework is developed.”

People with disability are the world’s largest and most disadvantaged minority, accounting for around 15 per cent of the global population. Collectively, people with disability have poorer health outcomes, lower educational achievements, less economic participation and higher rates of poverty than people without disability.

AusAID’s Development for All strategy aims to ensure people with disability are increasingly taking a central role in decision making, ensuring policies and programs are shaped to better take account of their requirements. The OECD Development Assistance Committee said Australia’s “exceptional emphasis on disability makes it a leader in this area internationally” in its 2013 Peer Review.

The role of the Ambassador for Disability-Inclusive Development is expected to be filled by a Senior Executive in AusAID at First Assistant Director General level. The Government’s candidate for the role will be considered by the Federal Executive Council.

VIDEO: Prime Minister Rudd and Minister Parke talk about the Ambassador for Disability-Inclusive Development: http://youtu.be/uglc1iiY4As


Media Enquiries: Rachel Maycock 0409 725 882

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013


Melissa Parke, Minister for International Development


4 August 2013

Australia is a major partner for Timor-Leste in water, sanitation and hygiene. Under our Timor-Leste Strategic Partnership for Development, making sure people have access to clean water and basic sanitation is a big focus and one where we have achieved a lot together.

Timor-Leste is on track to meet its Millennium Development Goal target of 75 per cent coverage for rural drinking water by 2015, one of the few it is likely to meet.

“During my visit to Timor-Leste, I will visit a village in Liquica district that is already seeing the benefit of Australian aid,” Minister Parke said.

As a result of our partnership and Australia’s support 268,000 additional Timorese, nearly a quarter of Timor-Leste’s rural population, have access to safe water; 67,000 additional people now have access to improved sanitation; water systems have been installed in 165 rural communities and communities receive support to maintain these systems through training and materials for repairs.

Australia also has a long history in Timor-Leste of support for NGO’s and Civil Society Organisations working directly with communities on WASH including Oxfam, Red Cross, PLAN, World Vision and others.

Minister for International Development, Melissa Parke, will announce $1.78 million in funding for WaterAid Australia to continue to provide poor people in Timor-Leste with better access to clean water and sanitation facilities.

“Access to drinking water in rural areas of Timor-Leste and proper sanitation are problems for most rural Timorese. Australia’s additional funding to WaterAid will improve the delivery of these services, particularly for vulnerable groups,” Ms Parke said.

“It will strengthen existing services in 90 communities and deliver water and sanitation services to 36 more communities, which will improve the lives of around 10,000 men, women and children.”

“WaterAid and local Timorese organisations will also work with district governments to improve water service delivery for an additional 48,000 people in Timor-Leste.”

Worldwide, there are still 780 million people that do not have adequate access to safe water, 2.5 billion people still lack access to basic sanitation, and preventable diarrhoeal diseases claim 1.4 million lives each year.

The Australian Government will work across 19 countries in Asia, Africa and the Pacific over the next four years (2013 – 2017) to provide 1.8 million more people with access to safe water and basic sanitation, and improved hygiene.


Media Contact: Rachel Maycock


Melissa Parke, Minister for International Development


4 August 2013

Minister for International Development, Melissa Parke, will announce a new Australia Awards Timor-Leste Program to provide Timorese women and men with opportunities to study, research and undertake professional development opportunities at Australian institutions.

Minister Parke said the investment of $47 million to be provided over 5 years from 2014 will establish around 200 new in-country scholarships for Timorese citizens to study at tertiary institutions in Timor-Leste.

“The new Australia Awards Timor-Leste Program is particularly exciting because by offering in-country scholarships we are able to expand the pool of recipients to those who are disadvantaged or not otherwise able to access tertiary education opportunities,” Minister Parke said.

“During my visit to Timor Leste, I will meet several high achieving Timorese who will travel to Australia next year to commence study under the Australia Awards. These Awards allow these Timorese to acquire new skills and knowledge that will position them to contribute to the development of Timor-Leste.”

This year’s scholarships were keenly sought, with over 1,200 Expressions of Interest received and 362 eligible applications submitted. Men and women were equally successful with 12 out of 13 Districts represented, some for the first time.

“Scholars will be undertaking courses in priority areas jointly identified by the Timorese and Australian Governments. They represent a diverse range of fields such as Education, Health, Environmental Science and Human Resource Management,” Minister Parke said.

“Many Scholars come to Australia to learn so that they can take their knowledge to benefit their communities. Many have become senior officials, eminent academics or heads of NGOs. Several have become ministers in Timor-Leste’s government and are using the skills they acquired in Australia to benefit the whole country.”

Australia Awards alumni currently holding leadership positions in the Government of Timor-Leste include: Dr. Dionisio Babo, Minister of Justice; Mr Pedro da Silva Lay, Minister of Transport and Communication; Mrs Dulce de Jesus Soares, Vice Minister for Preschool and Basic Education; and Mr Marcos da Cruz, Vice Minister for Agriculture and Forestry.

For further information about Australia Awards and the recently formed Timor-Leste alumni network, please contact the Australia Awards Timor-Leste office on 332 2621 or 7732 3768, or at http://www.ausaid.gov.au/australia-awards

Australia Awards are prestigious international scholarships and fellowships funded by the Australian Government. Australia Awards not only develop skills and knowledge but also build enduring people-to-people links between Australia, our regional neighbours and the broader international community.


Media Contact: Rachel Maycock


Melissa Parke, Minister for International Development


4 August 2013

Minister for International Development, Melissa Parke, today began a three day visit to Timor-Leste to meet key Government ministers and view first-hand the positive results of Australia’s aid program.

It is the Minister’s first visit to Timor-Leste and her first to Asia since becoming Australia’s Minister for International Development.

Minister Parke will meet President Taur Matan Ruak and other senior Ministers to discuss details of Australia’s aid program including the new partnership agreement recently signed between the two countries.

“Since independence, Timor-Leste has made genuine progress yet it remains one of the poorest countries in the world,” Minister Parke said.

“Australia has helped Timor-Leste maintain stability and improve the lives of Timorese people.

“With Australia’s support Timorese children are at less risk of dying, most rural households have more food, more women and babies are healthy and fewer Timorese have gone blind.”

During her visit the Minister will announce the 2014 Australia Awards, which provide Timorese scholars with the opportunity to study at Australian universities.

Minister Parke will visit two centres that provide rehabilitation services to women who experience domestic violence and to people with physical disabilities.

She will also tour the district of Liquica to inspect AusAID activities, including a health clinic, a world-leading water, sanitation and hygiene program, and a local school.

She will meet members of the community who are benefiting from Australia’s successful Seeds of Life program that is helping farmers increase crop yields.

“Australians have an enduring respect and affection for Timor-Leste and strongly support our joint efforts to reduce poverty,” Minister Parke said.
Media Contact: Rachel Maycoc