Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Dukung Atlet Bulutangkis Lewat Teriakan “EAAA..”

Para nitizen sedang ramai membicarakan tagar #EaaForIndonesia yang sedang bermunculan di berbagai media sosial.  Ternyata ini adalah bentuk dukungan semangat yang diberikan para nitizen kepada atlet-atlet bulutangkis Indonesia yang akan bertanding di kejuaraan BCA Indonesia Open Superseries Premier 2015.
Tahun 2015 ini, Istora akan kembali bergema saat pecinta bulutangkis bisa menyaksikan langsung aksi dari pebulutangkis papan atas dunia di ajang BCA Indonesia Open Superseries Premier. Turnamen level 2 Federasi Bulutangkis Dunia (BWF) ini dipastikan akan dihiasi pertarungan sengit hampir di semua babak, mereka akan berburu poin hingga berburu hadiah total US$ 800 ribu, lebih besar dibanding tahun lalu yang menawarkan hadiah total US$ 750 ribu.
Atlet-atlet andalan tanah air pun tentu akan memiliki keuntungan bermain di Istora, dimana mereka akan mendapat dukungan penuh penonton yang hadir langsung. Atmosfer di Istora memang terkenal cukup angker bagi mereka yang bermain melawan pemain Indonesia, pendukung di Istora pun terkenal sebagai penonton paling riuh di dunia.
Merah putih pun tentu memiliki harapan agar juara All England 2014 Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan bisa kembali menjadi juara di rumah sendiri dan mengulang kesuksesan mereka di tahun 2013. Tahun lalu, mereka memiliki peluang untuk meraih gelar, sayang, di partai puncak mereka harus mengakui keunggulan musuh bebuyutan mereka, Lee Yong Dae/Yoo Yeo Seong asal Korea. Sementara Tontowi Ahmad/Liliyana Natsir yang meraih gelar All England dalam tiga tahun beruntun diharapkan bisa untuk pertama kalinya menaklukan Istora dan menjadi juara di rumah sendiri.
Selain dua ganda andalan tanah air ini, tentu pecinta bulutangkis pun akan memliki penuh harap terhadap jajaran atlet muda. Pasangan Edi Subaktiar/Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja serta kembalinya Alfian Eko Prasetyo bersama Annisa Saufika diharapkan bisa menambah persaingan dan memberikan harapan regenerasi ganda campuran tanah air. Sementara di ganda putra, Ricky Karanda Suwandi/Angga Pratama yang berhasil meraih gelar juara di Singapore Open Superseries 2015 diharapkan bisa menunjukkan permainan terbaik mereka, bersama dengan Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo/Marcus Fernaldi Gideon.
Kemenangan demi kemenangan yang diperoleh atlet-atlet Indonesia di Istora tidak lepas dari dukungan supporter setia bulutangkis. Yang paling khas dari penonton Indonesia adalah teriakan “Eaa…” saat pemain andalan mereka memukul shuttlecock.
Di saat bersamaan, para nitizen sedang ramai membicarakan tagar #EaaForIndonesia yang sedang bermunculan di berbagai media sosial.  Ternyata ini adalah bentuk dukungan semangat yang diberikan para nitizen kepada atlet-atlet bulutangkis Indonesia yang akan bertanding di kejuaraan BCA Indonesia Open Superseries Premier 2015.
Terlihat dari beberapa postingan akun twitter dan instagram @dagelan yang melemparkan meme lucu dengan hashtag #EaaForIndonesia yang berhasil membuat instagrammers memberikan banyak respon positif.
Image: http://bit.ly/1GzkvtQ
Video lucu tentang pertandingan bulutangkis layaknya atlet sungguhan yang diunggah  @asal_asalan_production juga berhasil mengundang kehebohan. Video berdurasi 15 detik ini, mampu membakar semangat followers untuk mendukung atlet-atlet bulutangkis Indonesia. Coba intip aksi lucu yang udah dibuat Asal-asalan Production ini:
Link video: http://bit.ly/1RiVPco
Dukungan satu nusa, satu “Eaa…” pun ditampilkan oleh salah akun instagram @koharotv. Dalam videonya, setiap smash yang ditunjukan lawan mampu memberikan respon penonton untuk berteriak “Eaa, eaa…” secara terus menerus. Pesan semangat ini lah yang harus disebarkan untuk seluruh pecinta bulutangkis Indonesia. Video yang diunggah Koharo TV ini, berhasil menarik perhatian followersnya hingga mendapatkan 7.200 like.
Link video: http://bit.ly/1RiVO87
Tidak ketinggalan akun instagram @Jebretshow ikut menyebarkan video kocak tentang trik bermain badminton.
Link video: http://bit.ly/1GzkztD
Bagi Anda yang sudah siap memberikan dukungan semangat untuk para atlet bulutangkis kita, Anda juga bisa melakukan teriakan “Eaa…” sekencang-kencangnya sebelum menonton pertandingan. Seperti infografik menarik yang dilansir dari website BCA. (http://bit.ly/1F7BaiU ).
Berikan dukungan semangat Anda dengan menulis tweet, memposting foto atau mengupload video dukungan Anda di media sosial menggunakan tagar #EaaForIndonesia. Anda juga bisa menonton BCA Indonesia Open Superseries Premier 2015 secara langsung dengan mem-follow @XpresiBCA untuk mengetahui kontes-kontes yang sedang diadakan. Satu dukungan yang Anda berikan sangat berarti untuk menyatukan semangat rakyat Indonesia dalam membawa atlet bulutangkis Indonesia ke panggung juara.

Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

Lindungi Plafon Gipsum Anda dengan Dulux Pentalite Ceiling

Varian Terbaru Dulux Dengan Daya Tutup Maksimal Berikan Perlindungan Lebih Bagi Plafon Rumah dari Serangan Jamur.

LIPUTANSATU.COM - JAKARTA, 28 Mei 2015 Plafon atau langit-langit adalah penutup rangka atap yang memiliki banyak manfaat. Plafon juga dapat menambah estetika ruangan karena konstruksi plafon bisa dibuat beraneka bentuk dan bisa dipercantik dengan dicat. Salah satu bahan yang umum digunakan menjadi plafon adalah gipsum, karena tahan terhadap api, mudah dipasang, tersedia dalam berbagai bentuk dan mudah dicat. Untuk mempercantik plafon gipsum rumah, pemilik rumah biasanya menggunakan cat dinding. Padahal yang mungkin tidak diketahui oleh para pemilik rumah adalah faktanya gipsum sangat berbeda dengan dinding dan memerlukan cat khusus untuk menjaga gipsum agar dapat tahan lebih lama. Memahami pentingnya hal tersebut, AkzoNobel, perusahaan cat dan pelapis terkemuka di dunia, baru-baru ini meluncurkan varian Dulux Pentalite Ceiling, cat berbahan dasar air bermutu tinggi yang didesain untuk bahan gipsum.
Presiden Direktur PT ICI Paints Indonesia (AkzoNobel Decorative Paints Indonesia) Jun De Dios juga mengakui pentingnya plafon bagi dekorasi ruangan. “Plafon merupakan salah satu elemen penting di dalam rumah yang biasa disebut sebagai dinding kelima dalam mendesain rumah. Mengecat atau mendesain plafon rumah akan berpengaruh terhadap perubahan suatu ruangan dari membosankan menjadi sangat menakjubkan. Kehadiran Dulux Pentalite Ceiling akan memberikan kemudahan mendesain langit-langit dan perlindungan maksimal yang ramah lingkungan untuk penggunaan gipsum sebagai plafon rumah,” Jelas Jun.
Gipsum merupakan salah satu jenis mineral berkadar kalsium tinggi. Banyak pemilik rumah memilih bahan gipsum karena sifatnya yang lebih fleksibel. Misalnya setinggi apapun plafon rumah, bahan gipsum tetap bisa digunakan. Hal ini dikarenakan bahan gipsum tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran serta mudah dibentuk sesuai keinginan. Dibandingkan kayu, gipsum tidak mudah terbakar. Meskipun terkena api, gipsum juga tidak akan menghasilkan substansi berbahaya.
Dulux Pentalite Ceiling merupakan cat berbahan dasar air bermutu tinggi dengan formula khusus anti jamur dan daya tutup maksimal, membuat plafon rumah Anda tampil modern dengan warna putih yang menginspirasi. Dengan mengandalkan teknologi MouldGuard, Dulux Pentalite Ceiling memberikan perlindungan maksimal dari serangan jamur yang biasa menyerang papan gipsum. Dulux Pentalite Ceiling juga dilengkapi teknologi ProCover yang memiliki daya tutup lebih luas dan maksimal.
Varian terbaru dari Dulux ini memberikan hasil akhir halus dan tidak mengkilap (super matte). Tampilan super matte mampu menutup sambungan bahan gipsum dengan sempurna sehingga tampilan plafon rumah akan terlihat lebih bersih dan cantik. Dulux Pentalite Ceiling tersedia dalam kemasan kaleng 5 kg dan 25 kg.

A Message from President Clinton

Percakapan dibuka. 1 pesan belum dibaca.

A Message from President Clinton
Dear Friend,

Chelsea and I recently returned from a trip to Africa where we saw the results of the work that you support through the Clinton Foundation. We make this trip almost every year to see the work our Foundation, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), and CGI partners do, and the people we're able to help.

As you all know, it’s the political season in America, so the purpose and impact of the efforts your support makes possible has largely been ignored in recent coverage of the Foundation. But we are and always have been a non-partisan, inclusive foundation with lots of support from and involvement by people across the political spectrum and governments from right to left, all committed to our creative solutions-centered work. That's why I am writing to you and our hundreds of thousands of other supporters in the U.S. and around the world to let you know how grateful I am for your support, and for our staff and our partners, and how determined I am that our work will continue.

Next week, Donna Shalala will join the Foundation as President and CEO. She will inherit a senior leadership who have years of experience in the NGO and private sectors, and a talented, dedicated, diverse staff, all deeply committed to keep doing the kind of inspiring work we saw in Africa. We will also continue to look for ways to improve our reporting systems so that we can operate as accurately, efficiently, and transparently as possible – a goal to which we have been committed since day one.

I started the Clinton Foundation when I left the White House to continue working on issues I had long cared about, where I believed I could still make an impact. I grew up believing that if I worked hard enough I could build a rewarding life, and entered public service to create more opportunities for others and to empower them to seize those opportunities – or as we say, to have better life stories. That same purpose has driven our work at the Clinton Foundation – whether we're helping smallholder farmers in Africa increase their yields or supporting women entrepreneurs in Latin America as they build better lives for their families.

From the very beginning, the Clinton Foundation has intentionally taken a different approach to addressing global challenges. Except to spur recovery in the aftermath of disasters like the South Asian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and, over a longer period, in Haiti, we don't primarily make grants to other organizations. Instead, we implement and organize projects ourselves by bringing partners together, including governments, businesses, labor unions, philanthropies, other NGOs, and the people we're trying to help, and join them on the ground to solve problems faster, better, and at lower cost. We strive for innovative approaches to problem solving that are sustainable and yield strong results. With each of our initiatives, we try both to change lives today and offer a model for meaningful and replicable future action. The best way to do that usually starts with forming inclusive networks of all stakeholders. We incorporate data and metrics into the Foundation's work and encourage others to help scale-up or replicate our successful projects wherever they can touch more lives.

My work with the Clinton Foundation over the past 14 years has been one of the most rewarding endeavors of my life, as every day I see how, with your support, our programs change lives. While in Africa, I met many of the people we're helping build better futures, provide for their families, and strengthen their communities. Their lives tell the real stories of the Clinton Foundation, and they are worth hearing.

In Tanzania, I visited Wazia Chawala. She is a farmer and a single mother raising seven children. She is also one of 85,000 people in Tanzania, Malawi, and Rwanda participating in our Clinton Development Initiative's Anchor Farm program. The program operates commercial farms and partners with local smallholder farmers to provide them with access to high-quality, low-cost seed and fertilizer, training in improved agricultural techniques, and transportation to market. Participants have more than doubled their yields on average, increased their incomes by even greater margins, and dramatically improved their quality of life. When I met Wazia, she told me how her increased productivity has helped her improve her home and keep her seven children in school. She is forging her own path out of poverty with a system that is life-changing, sustainable, and replicable. What is working for 85,000 farmers could work for millions.

In Tanzania, I also visited a dispensary run by CHAI that is helping to make life-saving vaccines more affordable and readily available to people in rural areas, where 70 percent of the country's people live. In addition to negotiating price reductions for the pneumonia and rotavirus vaccines, CHAI is using innovative solar-powered refrigerators to preserve the vaccines – which are only effective when stored in cool temperatures – in the remote areas of the country that lack electricity. I met with several mothers who have had their children vaccinated through the program, which is saving 11,000 lives annually, including one woman who walked twelve miles to get her baby vaccinated for the first time. Stories like that are why I started this work, and why I am more committed than ever to continuing it.

As I often say, there can be a big difference between the headlines and the trend lines. We mostly hear about the headlines – but the trend lines can tell us more about what is happening in most people's lives. When I look at what the Foundation has accomplished over the last 14 years, I believe we are helping to move the trend lines in the right direction. 9.9 million people in more than 70 countries now have access to low-cost, life-saving HIV/AIDS medicines through the Clinton Health Access Initiative; 16 million kids in more than 28,000 schools in the U.S. now have healthier food and more physical activity options; and members of the Clinton Global Initiative have made 3,200 commitments that have already improved 430 million lives in more than 180 countries.

That's the real story of the Clinton Foundation – people coming together across traditional divides to help others live up to their full potential. We are grateful that you have been a part of it.

We'll keep trying to reach our goals faster, better, and in the most cost-effective way. We'll continue to strive for accuracy and transparency and, most important, keep working on the mission and measuring our progress every step of the way. That commitment to impact, innovation, and efficiency is what you expect from us, and what we want to deliver for years to come.

Thank you for your support of the Clinton Foundation. Together, we can build a future we can all be proud to share.

I encourage you to visit clintonfoundation.org/our-work to learn more about the way the Clinton Foundation works and our life-changing programs around the world.


Bill Clinton

About the Clinton Foundation
The Clinton Foundation convenes businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for women and girls, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change.

Please add news@action.clintonfoundation.org to your address book.

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Clinton Foundation | 1200 President Clinton Ave | Little Rock, AR 72201


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Pertamax Dalam Kemasan, Inovasi Pertamina Menyambut Arus Mudik

Pertamax dalam kaleng. Mirip kaleng cat ya :mrgreen: courtesy : antara
Kekhawatiran terkait keterbatasan bahan bakar sepanjang jalur arus mudik diantisipasi Pertamina dengan menyediakan bahan bakar dalam kemasan eceran, namun terbatas pada Pertamax dan Pertamax Plus.  Inovasi baru ini diakui Muhammad Iskandar selaku Vice President Retail Fuel Marketing PT. Pertamina (persero) dalam konferensi pers di Jakarta (9/7), sebagai salah satu upaya mengantisipasi kemacetan di SPBU seperti yang terjadi di beberapa daerah. Hal ini dikarenakan kebutuhan konsumen akan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) sebagai penunjang mobilitas saat musim arus mudik dan arus balik  nanti.
Harga bahan bakar kalengan ini menurut Iskandar sebagaimana dilansir opini, diperkirakan harga per kaleng lebih mahal Rp 500 dari harga di SPBU. “Selisih harga sekitar Rp 500 untuk ongkos angkut dari SPBU menuju tempat penjualan, juga untuk biaya produksi kemasan,” “Kami yakin, ini akan laris. Karena, tahun kemarin harga premium eceran bisa mencapai Rp20 ribu per liter, karena kemacetan parah dan masih banyak yang membeli,” katanya, sebagaimana dilansir vivanews. Hadir dalam kemasan 5, 10 , dan 20 liter, Bahan bakar eceran yang rencananya mulai dijual H-7 menjelang lebaran ini dikemas dalam kaleng dan drum yang dapat diisi ulang. Pertamina telah menyiapkan dengan jumlah lebih dari 20 ribu kaleng, namun belum diketahui apakah akan ada penambahan produksi bila ada kenaikan permintaan.
“Kemasannya memang beda dengan Pertadex yang pakai jerigen, karena kami mempertimbangkan unsur keamanan. Kemasan ini bisa diisi ulang (refill) untuk persediaan selama perjalanan mudik,” jelas Ali Mundakir, Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina kepada Kompas Otomotif (16/7).
Pertamax dalam ‘kemasan’ ini oleh Pertamina diklaim aman karena kaleng terbuat dari bahan khusus. Penjualannya sendiri Pertamina menyediakan tenda-tenda resmi yang ditempatkan di lebih dari 1000 SPBU yang tersebar di 112 titik rawan kemacetan di Jawa dan Sumatera. Seperti jalur Cikampek-Cirebon-Brebes-Tegal-Guci-Purwokerto,Cikampek-Subang-Cirebon, Cikampek-Bandung-Tasik-Ciamis-Cilacap, Tangerang-Banten-Bakauheuni, Bandung-Sumedang, dan Mojokerto-Kediri-Madiun.
Selain fokus memberi pelayanan dengan menghadirkan Pertamax kalengan, Pertamina berkomitmen menjaga pasokan bahan bakar agar cukup selama musim lebaran nanti. Pertamina menjaga pasokan solar agar cukup untuk 21-23 hari, premium untuk 17 hari, dan avtur untuk 25-27 hari. Disamping itu, Pertamina semakin mengoptimalkan SPBU dalam musim mudik nanti, dengan menambah jam kerja pom bensin (non 24 jam) dari 13 jam menjadi 20 jam operasi. Serta tetap menyiagakan SPBU 24 jam. Kembali ke pertamax kalengan, menurut M. Iskandar Pertamina juga akan menyediakan alat ukur dilapangan agar konsumen semakin yakin takaran pertamax yang dibelinya memang ‘Pasti Pas!’. Jadi operasionalnya seperti kita beli bensin eceran dipinggir jalan, bukan kita yang beli kalengan terus bisa kita bawa seenaknya didalam kendaraan, karena menyangkut keselamatan . (mungkin gitu ya ? atau ada yang mau mengoreksi ? )
Kenapa hanya Pertamax saja yang dijual dalam ‘kemasan’ ? mungkin ini salah satu bentuk sosialisasi Pertamina kepada masyarakat agar mulai memakai BBM non-subsidi (cmiiw). Lagipula jika Pertamina mengikutsertakan bensin dan solar dalam bentuk eceran, pedagang eceran pinggir jalan merasakan dampaknya juga dong (?), bisa saja omset jualan mereka turun.  Hehe imho . .
Gambaran antrian di SPBU. Di pom bensin sepanjang jalur mudik yang rawan macet, Pertamina akan menempatkan stand penjualan Pertamax kalengan
Gambaran antrian di SPBU. Di pom bensin sepanjang jalur mudik yang rawan macet, Pertamina akan menempatkan stand penjualan Pertamax kalengan

SUMBER : http://aragani.com/2013/07/17/pertamax-dalam-kemasan-inovasi-pertamina-menyambut-arus-mudik/#more-2099

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

INVENTING ART: The Painting of Batuan Bali by Bruce Granquist Kotak Masuk

Percakapan dibuka. 1 pesan belum dibaca.


Inventing Art: The 

Painting of Batuan Bali

by Bruce Granquist

“In 1932, a few young men from the village of Batuan in Bali tried their hand at painting pictures on paper for the first time. As a result of this experiment a new art form was born, distinctive for both its new formal style, and the richly imagined and sometimes terrifying world it conveys.
  In 1986, a Western abstract artist, Bruce Granquist, came to the village to live and work among these artists. In his book about the paintings of Batuan, Granquist lends us his painter’s vision to show us how the Batuan artists taught one another, and together developed a new school of painting. In a manner that is both perceptive and authoritative, he shows how Batuan painting uses traditional Balinese iconography together with new abstract forms to create images that are uniquely expressive and compelling.”
— Dr. Hildred Geertz, Professor Emeritus Princeton University

The goal of this book is to make Batuan paintings accessible to viewers from outside Bali. It does this by explaining some of the cultural codes that the paintings contain, as well as the narratives that link them to the rich Balinese and Southeast Asian traditions. It also demonstrates how these paintings communicate their meaning beyond Batuan’s cultural life, directly through their formal elements of line, shape and tone; communicating to us in ways that we are probably unaware of. This book expands our understanding of Batuan paintings, and helps us realise that much can be familiar in art from a distant place.

Complete with 327 full colour reproductions, 24 illustrations, maps and diagrams
Cover: Hardcover
Pages: 340 pages,  Complete with 327 full colour reproductions, 24 illustrations, maps and diagrams
Size: 28 x 23.5 cm
Shipping Weight: 3 Kg

Price: Rp 550,000 + Shipment
Order online via Afterhours Bookshop here.
or order via e-mail to: Order@AfterhoursBooks.com

About the Author. Bruce Granquist was born in Chicago in 1958 and resettled in Indonesia in 1986. Other than living for 3 years in the central Java city of Jogyakarta, he has spent all of his time in Bali. Since 1992 he has worked in the publishing field, as a free lance illustrator and cartographer. To date, his work appears in over 20 publications from publishers worldwide. In 1999 he self-published a large format topographic map of Bali. Even though this map has had only a limited distribution network, it has sold over 10,000 copies in 4 printings. In 2012 he self-published his first book, titled ‘Inventing Art, The Paintings of Batuan Bali’. This book details the paintings of a single Balinese village that has developed a singular style of painting in the 20th century. Based on two years of field research, and documents produced by foreigners in the 1930’s, this book gives non-Balinese viewers an ability to understand this complex and sometimes hermetical school of art. Bruce is currently producing another self-published book about the daily life in traditional Bali, it is scheduled for publication this year.
Click to Order INVENTING ART: The Painting of Batuan Bali
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Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

The New MINI 5-Door

The New MINI 5-Door.
More MINI, more possibilities.

LIPUTANSATU.COM- Jakarta. MINI Indonesia today celebrates the introduction of an entirely new body variant – The New MINI 5-Door – for the first time in its history. The media launch was held at Empirica, which provided a unique and exciting setting to introduce the second body variant of the New MINI. Available in two variants; the MINI Cooper and MINI Cooper S, The New MINI 5-Door is sure to complement the hallmark of the MINI brand - driving fun.

“MINI is definitely a design icon. As with every other MINI, the New MINI 5-Door has preserved MINI’s unique design, signature driving fun and distinctive character by incorporating enhanced practicality through extra space,” said Karen Lim, President Director BMW Group Indonesia. “With more foot space, legroom and luggage space added, as well as the introduction of two rear doors and three separate back seats, The New MINI 5-Door offers greater comfort and practicality without compromising on the typical MINI characteristics, like its go-kart handling,” added Karen.

NEW 5-Door Design:
More room, more space, greater comfort.
The body of The New MINI 5-Door is 3,982 millimeters long (The New MINI Cooper S 5-Door is 4,005 millimeters), 1,727 millimeters wide and 1,425 millimeters high. This makes The New MINI Cooper 5-Door 161 millimeters longer and 11 millimeters higher than the 3-Door version. The width remains the same.

Meanwhile, The New MINI Cooper S 5-Door is 155mm longer than the 3-Door version. The wheelbase has been extended by 72 millimeters to 2,567 millimeters, while the track is identical to that of the 3-Door version.
Interior comfort has also been enhanced. Thanks to its extended wheelbase, rear passengers now have 37 millimeters more legroom available for them, while the increased space also provides for a third seat in the back row. Access to the rear is also more comfortable with its two rear doors.

Meanwhile, the luggage compartment has a volume of 278 liters, an increase of 67 liters, or around 30 percent, in comparison to the 3-Door model. The vehicle’s high level of versatility is also supported by the 60:40 folding split in the rear backrest. This enables the luggage compartment volume to be increased even further to 941 liters.

MINI Twin Power Turbo Technology:
More power, more efficiency.
The New MINI 5-Door comes with both 3-cylinder and 4-cylinder engines, all featuring MINI Twin Power Turbo Technology. The petrol engines include turbocharging, direct fuel injection and variable camshaft control on the intake and exhaust side (double VANOS). The engines of the MINI Cooper S and MINI Cooper models also feature fully variable valve control in the form of VALVETRONIC, as patented by the BMW Group.

For highly spirited power delivery, The New MINI Cooper S 5-Door is powered by a 2.0-litre 4-cylinder engine with a peak output of 192 hp which goes on stream between 4,700 and 6,000 rpm, delivering its maximum torque of 280 Nm from 1,250 to 4,750 rpm. Torque can even briefly be increased to 300 Nm by means of an overboost function. As a result, acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h takes just 6.8 seconds, while top speed is 230 km/h. The average fuel consumption of the MINI Cooper S 5-Door is 18.2 km/l, while its level of CO2 emissions is 127 g/100km (per average EU test cycle).

With an output of 136 hp at 4,500 rpm and a maximum torque of 220 Nm (230 Nm at 1,300 rpm with overboost) now available from 1,250 to 4,000rpm, the 1.5-litre 3-cylinder petrol engine in The New MINI Cooper 5-Door also enables a sporty driving performance. The New MINI Cooper 5-Door sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in 8.1 seconds, with a top speed of 207 km/h. Its average fuel consumption is at 20 km/l with a CO2 emissions level of 115 g/100km (per average EU test cycle).

Six-speed automatic transmission:
Intelligently optimized shift dynamics and efficiency.
The six-speed automatic transmission, which comes standard with both the Cooper and Cooper S, offers improved efficiency, enhanced shift comfort and increased shift dynamics. These advancements have been achieved by means of such elements as a more efficient transmission control system, a more direct connection and optimized hydraulics. The New MINI 5-Door also combines automatic transmission with the automatic start/stop engine function, preventing unnecessary fuel consumption caused by idling at red lights, junctions or in congested traffic.

In conjunction with the MINI navigation system, the automatic transmission is also able to calculate the route profile in controlling gear shifts. Based on navigation data, the appropriate drive position is selected to match the imminent situation on the road, e.g. directly prior to junctions or at corners. This prevents, for example, unnecessary up-shifts between two bends in short range.

The MINIMALISM technology, which comes as standard, includes not only the automatic start/stop engine function but also extensive measures to optimize weight and aerodynamic drag - which affect fuel consumption - in the New MINI 5-Door. Other measures include brake energy regeneration and control of the fuel pump, coolant pump and other ancillary units.

Optimized suspension technology:
Less weight, more go-kart feeling.
The suspension technology of the New MINI 5-Door retains the well-established principle of the single-joint spring strut axle at the front and the multilink rear axle. It is a setup which is unique within the competitive environment. Every component has been optimized in terms of material selection and geometry, and everything possible has been done to create MINI’s much-loved handling properties – commonly referred to as the brand’s signature ‘go-kart’ feeling – in the New MINI 5-Door.

The mechanical setup also takes account of the high level of engine power, front-wheel drive transmission, transversely mounted engine at the front, low centre of gravity, short overhangs, wide track and a rigid, weight-optimized body structure. In order to achieve a lightweight and high level of component rigidity, the front axle is fitted with aluminum swivel bearings as well as axle supports and wishbones made of high-strength steel. The front axle kinematics support the agile turn-in response and precise steering sensation of the New MINI 5-Door. High-strength steel types are also used for the rear axle. Tube-shaped stabilizers at the front and rear axle contribute to weight reduction. The innovative axle bearing benefits both ride comfort and agility.

MINI Driving Modes:
Sporty flair and efficiency at your fingertips.
The MINI Driving Modes provide an excellent basis for fuel efficiency and a sporty driving experience. A rotary switch at the base of the gear or selector lever is used to activate the standard MID mode, the SPORT or the GREEN mode. In addition to the characteristic curve of the accelerator and steering but also engine acoustics, the MINI Driving Modes also influence the ambient lighting, the display of the LED centre instrument and the shift characteristics of the automatic transmission The choice is between a very sporty, comfortable and well-balanced setup, or one geared towards fuel efficiency.

In GREEN mode - supporting a relaxed and more fuel-efficient driving style - the energy used by electrically-powered comfort functions such as air conditioning is reduced. In vehicles fitted with automatic transmission, it is also possible to use the coasting function. The drive train is decoupled at speeds of between 50km/h and 160km/h, as soon as the driver removes their foot from the accelerator pedal. The MINI 5-Door then rolls at idling engine speed at a minimum rate of fuel consumption.

Enhanced Driving Dynamism:
MINI driving experience intensified.
Engineered into the electromechanical power steering is compensation for so-called ‘torque steer’. This prevents self-steering tendencies caused by differing degrees of torque at the drive wheels. Steering precision is also ensured when it comes to sudden avoidance swerves and when taking bends at higher loads.

Additionally, the New MINI 5-Door comes with an anti-lock braking system (ABS), Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD), Cornering Brake Control (CBC) and a brake assistant. It also comes with Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), which includes a drive-off assistant, a brake dry function, Fading Brake Support and DTC mode (Dynamic Traction Control). DTC, in particular, permits controlled slip at the drive wheels so as to facilitate driving off on loose sand.

When the driving stability system is deactivated (DSC Off mode), there is an electronic locking function for the front axle differential which selectively and appropriately brakes a spinning drive wheel on tight corners, redirecting the drive torque to the other wheel. This system, known as Electronic Differential Lock Control (EDLC), promotes the vehicle's forward momentum without negatively influencing self-steering response.

The New MINI Cooper S 5-Door also features the Performance Control system, which counteracts any tendency to under steer prior to reaching the threshold level. This supports an agile yet neutral driving response on bends.

The 16-inch Loop Spoke silver forged light alloy wheels in the New MINI Cooper 5-Door are particularly lightweight and have favorable aerodynamic properties. The NEW MINI Cooper S 5-Door is exclusively fitted with 17-inch Roulette Spoke two-tone light alloy wheels. To ensure safety and mobility at all times, Run Flat Tires come as standard.

Intelligent Lightweight Construction:
Higher level of safety and agility.
Intelligent lightweight construction means that weight reduction in the MINI is combined with an increase in rigidity. The result is improved agility and occupant protection. In spite of the wide range of fittings, virtually all variants of the New MINI 5-Door are lighter than their competitors in the segment. Highly resilient load-bearing structures, advanced deformation zones and an extremely stable passenger cell provide an excellent basis for keeping impact energy away from passengers and ensuring maximum occupant protection. The safety concept behind the New MINI 5-Door is geared towards achieving maximum scores on all the relevant crash tests worldwide.

Comprehensive safety technology including pedestrian protection
The standard safety fittings of the New MINI 5-Door comprises front and side airbags, as well as curtain airbags for the front and rear seats. All seats are fitted with 3-point seat belts and there are belt tensioners and belt force limiters at the front. ISOFIX child seat mountings are provided at the rear and are optional on the front passenger seat.

There are also safety features which are designed to minimize the risk of injury to pedestrians. These include impact absorbers, precisely defined deformation elements and a partially active engine compartment lid. In the event of a collision with a pedestrian, which is registered by special sensors, a pyrotechnic trigger mechanism raises the engine compartment lid. This creates additional deformation space and significantly reduces the risk of injury when impacting against very hard parts of the engine.

MINI Connected High-end features for comfort, functionality and individual style.
Functions which can be integrated in the vehicle via apps in the areas of social networks and infotainment are available for both the Apple iPhone and for smartphones using the Android operating system. The MINI Connected program provided through smartphone apps includes vehicle-related functions such as Mission Control, Dynamic Music, Driving Excitement and MINIMALISM Analyser, as well as online-based services such as a web radio function, the use of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare, the reception of RSS News feeds and entertainment features such as AUPEO! and TuneIn. With the colour display in the central instrument panel, all functions can be operated in typical MINI style - and more comfortably, intuitively and safely than ever before.

Pricing, MINI Service Inclusive and Warranty.
The New MINI Cooper 5-Door is introduced at Rp 549.000.000,- off the road while The New MINI Cooper S 5-Door comes with a price of Rp. 719.000.000,- off the road. The NewMINI 5-Door will be available at Maxindo, MINI’s authorized Dealer in Indonesia, starting from 5 March 2015. All MINI vehicles purchased from Maxindo come with MINI Service Inclusive, offering a five-year or up to 70,000 km free regular maintenance and a 36 months warranty without mileage limitations.

Starting January 2015, MINI Indonesia and Maxindo will gives additional warranty, from 24 months to 36 months without mileage limitations. The 36 months warranty applies to all MINI models with 2015 VIN.

MINI Authorized Dealer

Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda no. 99, Arteri Pondok Indah
Jakarta Selatan 12240
Tel. +62 89 8899 6464 (BB PIN: 21480F49)
Email sales@nusantara-mini.co.id

Lenmarc Mall unit G-08
Jl. Bukit Darmo Boulevard
Surabaya 60226

For further information, please contact:
Corporate Communications
Jodie O’tania
Tel: +62 -21- 2992 3000
Mobile: +62-8111534962
Email: jodie.otania@bmw.co.id

Alia Hadju Tel: +62-21-2992 3000
Mobile: +62-812 853 222 53
Email: alia.hadju@bmw.co.id

If you have any questions regarding this press release, please contact:
BMW Group
Daniel Chan

Tel.: +65-6838-9639
Fax: +65-6838-9611
E-mail: daniel.chan@bmwasia.com