Rabu, 30 April 2014

Uni Eropa luncurkan “Pekan Eropa” di Indonesia


Jakarta, 30 April 2014 – (kiri-kanan) Wakil Duta Besar UE untuk Indonesia Colin Crooks, Duta Besar UE untuk Indonesia Olof Skoog dan Programme Manager Communication and Economic Cooperation UE di Indonesia Jenni Lundmark secara resmi meluncurkan “PEKAN EROPA”. Mulai 2 Mei hingga 11 Mei, Jakarta akan lebih banyak melihat wajah Eropa karena Uni Eropa akan memperingati Hari Eropa dengan perayaan selama seminggu penuh.

                                 Acara olah raga Uni Eropa bersama masyarakat umum di Jakarta

LiputanSatu - Mulai tanggal 2 Mei hingga 11 Mei, Jakarta akan lebih banyak melihat wajah Eropa
karena Uni Eropa akan memperingati Hari Eropa dengan perayaan selama seminggu penuh. Hari Eropa bertujuan untuk mengingatkan masyarakat bahwa Uni Eropa, yang telah selama setengah abad (50 tahun) menjamin terciptanya perdamaian, stabilitas, dan kesejahteraan di kawasannya, juga secara aktif menggapai belahan dunia lainnya dan membangun hubungan yang semakin kuat antara masyarakat Eropa dan
masyarakat Indonesia.

Olof Skoog, Duta Besar Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia menjelaskan bahwa “Pekan Eropa 2014”akan menjadi wadah dimana masyarakat Indonesia akan memiliki kesempatan untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang beragam kegiatan yang Uni Eropa lakukan di Indonesia, mulai dari pengembangan hubungan politik hingga bantuan perdagangan dan pembangunan. Saya mengundang seluruh pihak untuk menyaksikan festival film Eropa, menghadiri hari informasi beasiswa Uni Eropa, mengunjungi paviliun Anggur dan Keju Uni Eropa, dan tentunya bergabung bersama kami di Jalan Sudirman pada tanggal 4 Mei 2014 dalam acara lari bersama “EU on the move 5K Run Walk”.

Pekan Eropa 2014 – Mempererat Warga

Tujuan Pekan Eropa adalah untuk mempererat Indonesia dan Uni Eropa melalui beragam acara yang akan digelar. Salah satu acara utama pada pekan ini adalah Festival Film Eropa ke-14 “Europe on Screen2014”. Festival ini diselenggarakan mulai tanggal 2 Mei hingga 11 Mei 2014 di 9 kota diberbagai pelosok Indonesia yakni: Banda Aceh, Bandung, Denpasar, Jakarta, Makassar, Medan, Padang, Surabaya and Yogyakarta. Festival ini akan mempertunjukkan 71 film dari 26 negara Eropa, termasuk persembahan film-film kontemporer yang menarik seperti pemenang Oscar “La Grande Belleza”.
Selain itu, Hari Informasi Beasiswa UE-Indonesia yang akan berlangsung pada 3 Mei di Hotel Le Meridien Jakarta dari pukul 09:30 hingga 16:00, akan berisi sesi presentasi dan pameran, yang merupakan sebuah kesempatan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi para pelajar, orangtua, akademisi, dan masyarakat umum untuk mendapatkan semua informasi yang dibutuhkan mengenai beasiswa yang ditawarkan oleh Uni Eropa dan negara-negara anggotanya untuk belajar di universitas-universitas di Eropa. Selanjutnya, pada hari Minggu 4 Mei, kegiatan lari dan berjalan bersama dalam acara “5K ‘EU on the Move’ RunWalk” akan diselenggarakan di sepanjang Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta. Pada garis finish di Menara Intiland – gedung kantor Delegasi Uni Eropa – akan terdapat berbagai aktivitas seru dan panggung hiburan.

Hari Eropa juga akan dirayakan dengan adanya paviliun Eropa di acara Pameran Anggur dan Keju di Jakarta Food and Fashion Festival – sebuah kesempatan bagi para warga Jakarta untuk menemukan beragam jenis santapan Eropa termasuk anggur (wine), keju, bir, coklat, dan ragam sajian istimewa lainnya. Hari Eropa – Perayaan-perayaan di seluruh belahan dunia untuk menandai ulang tahun Uni Eropa.

Setiap tahunnya pada tanggal 9 Mei, Uni Eropa merayakan Hari Eropa untuk memperingati deklarasi bersejarah oleh Menteri Luar Negeri Prancis, Robert Schuman, yang menjadi tonggak awal dari terbentuknya Uni Eropa. Dalam pidatonya di Paris pada tahun 1950, beliau mencetuskan ide mengenai sebuah bentuk baru kerjasama politik di Eropa, yang akan membuat perang antara negara-negara Eropa menjadi tidak terpikirkan.

Untuk menandai hari bersejarah tersebut, berbagai perayaan diselenggarakan di seluruh Eropa. Secara serentak, Delegasi Uni Eropa di seluruh dunia menyelenggarakan pula berbagai kegiatan seperti kuliah umum, kompetisi, festival film dan acara-acara lainnya yang menyajikan hal-hal terbaik yang ditawarkan dari Uni Eropa.

Website: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/indonesia

Program Pekan Eropa

2 s/d 11 Mei – Festival Film Eropa ke-14 – ‘Europe on Screen 2014’ [terbuka untukumum]
Tahun ini Festival Film Eropa “Europe on Screen” (EOS) akan berlangsung dari tanggal 2
hingga 11 Mei 2014 di 9 kota di Indonesia, yakni: Banda Aceh, Bandung, Denpasar, Jakarta,
Makassar, Medan, Padang, Surabaya dan Yogyakarta. Festival ini akan menampilkan 71
film dari 26 negara Eropa, yang akan terdiri dari film-film garapan sineas muda maupun
kampiun perfilman dari Eropa.

Selain itu, Festival ini juga akan menampilkan 10 film dari finalis Kompetisi Film Pendek EOS
ke-4. Secara keseluruhan terdapat 152 sineas Indonesia yang ambil bagian dalam kompetisi
ini. Dari 10 yang terseleksi, Film Terbaik akan dipilih oleh juri internasional dan akan
diumumkan pada malam penutupan EOS.

Informasi lebih lanjut: http://europeonscreen.org

3 Mei – Hari Informasi Beasiswa UE-Indonesia [terbuka untuk umum]
Hari informasi beasiswa UE-Indonesia akan berlangsung pada tanggal 3 Mei 2014 di
Jakarta. Acara ini akan terdiri dari sesi presentasi, serta meja informasi yang akan sangat
bermanfaat bagi siswa, orang tua, akademisi, dan masyarakat umum mendapatkan semua
informasi yang dibutuhkan mengenai beasiswa yang ditawarkan oleh Uni Eropa dan negaranegara
anggotanya untuk belajar di universitas-universitas di Eropa. Pemerintah Indonesia
juga akan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini untuk memperkenalkan dua program beasiswa
yang terbuka bagi mahasiswa Indonesia.
Informasi lebih lanjut: http://bit.ly/eu-scholarships | http://bit.ly/eu-beasiswa

4 Mei – EU on the Move 5K RunWalk [terbuka untuk umum]
5K RunWalk akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 Mei 2014 di sepanjang Jalan Sudirman,
Jakarta. Di garis finish di Menara Intiland – gedung kantor Delegasi Uni Eropa – akan
terdapat banyak aktivitas seru dan panggung hiburan. Medali juga akan diberikan kepada
500 finishers pertama. Selain itu seluruh biaya pendaftaran Rp 20.000 (sudah termasuk
biaya untuk T-Shirt) akan disumbangkan ke Yayasan Wisma Cheshire.
Pendaftaran Online: euonthemove@gmail.com
Informasi lebih lanjut: 0812 932 911 42
dan http://bit.ly/europeonthemove_EN | http://bit.ly/europeonthemove_ID

5 Mei – Peluncuran Buku Biru UE 2014 [dengan undangan]
Delegasi Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia, bekerjasama dengan negara-negara anggota Uni
Eropa, akan meluncurkan laporan tahunan Kerjasama UE-Indonesia yang disebut “Blue
Book” pada 5 Mei 2014 di Jakarta. Pada kegiatan ini, perwakilan pemerintah Indonesia,
organisasi kemasyarakatan, institusi internasional maupun media masa akan berkempatan
Delegasi Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam dan ASEAN
Intiland Tower, Lantai 16, Jl Jend Sudirman 32, Jakarta 10220 Indonesia
Tel: (62 21) 2554 6200 - Fax: (62 21) 2554 6201 - E-mail: delegation-indonesia@eeas.europa.eu
Website: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/indonesia

untuk mendiskusikan kerjasama UE-Indonesia dalam bidang pendidikan. Fokus diskusi ini
adalah “Mencapai Standar Pelayanan Minimal dalam Pendidikan Dasar”.
Informasi lebih lanjut: http://bit.ly/eubluebook | http://bit.ly/uebukubiru

6 Mei – Seminar: Hubungan Indonesia-UE – Merangkul Nilai-nilai Bersama [dengan
Seminar ini akan meninjau kembali posisi hubungan Indonesia-UE dari perspektif politik
keamanan, ekonomi, dan sosial budaya. Selain membahas hubungan dan perspektif
tersebut, para peserta juga akan berdiskusi tentang cara meningkatkan hubungan kerjasama
ini ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi.

7 Mei – Kuliah Umum tentang Integrasi Eropa dan Perluasan UE [kuliah umum]
10 tahun lalu, pada tanggal 1 Mei 2004, perluasan terbesar UE – dari 15 menjadi 25 anggota
– telah membawa stabilitas dan penyatuan kembali Eropa setelah kerenggangan akibat
perang dingin selama bertahun-tahun. Guna memperingati hari ini, Delegasi Uni Eropa untuk
Indonesia bekerjasama dengan negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa akan melaksanakan
kuliah terbuka di Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Salemba.

8 Mei – Resepsi Hari Eropa [dengan undangan]
Delegasi Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia akan menjadi tuan rumah resepsi di malam Hari Eropa.
Sekitar 700 orang akan menghadiri acara ini, termasuk pejabat pemerintah Indonesia,
anggota parlemen, perwakilan dunia usaha, media dan organisasi kemasyarakatan, maupun
diplomat-diplomat di Jakarta.

9 Mei – Paviliun UE di Pameran Anggur & Keju [terbuka untuk umum]
Pameran Anggur dan Keju merupakan bagian dari acara tahunan Jakarta Fashion and Food
Festival (JFFF). Acara ini terinspirasi dari Marathon du Médoc dan Festival yang
berlangsung setiap tahunnya di Perancis Selatan, dan awalnya bertujuan untuk
memperkenalkan budaya anggur di Indonesia. Sedikitnya 11 kedutaan UE dan 29
perusahaan Eropa akan ikut serta pada pameran kali ini yang akan berlangsung di Jakarta
Utara. Paviliun UE sendiri yang didukung oleh Delegasi Uni Eropa, akan dibuka mulai
tanggal 9 hingga 18 Mei.

Informasi lebih lanjut: http://wineandcheeseexpo.com | http://jfff.info

9 Mei – Turnamen Golf Tahunan EuroCham Ke-8 [pendaftaran: EuroCham]
European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (EuroCham) akan menjadi tuan
rumah perhelatan tahunan ke-8 turnamen golf di Rancamaya Golf & Country Club, Jawa
Barat. Kegiatan ini akan melibatkan para penggemar golf dan para pengusaha ternama di
Jakarta yang bermain dalam rangka memperingati Hari Eropa dan 10 tahun berdirinya
EuroCham di Indonesia.

Informasi lebih lanjut: http://www.eurocham.or.id

Delegasi Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam dan ASEAN
Intiland Tower, Lantai 16, Jl Jend Sudirman 32, Jakarta 10220 Indonesia
Tel: (62 21) 2554 6200 - Fax: (62 21) 2554 6201 - E-mail: delegation-indonesia@eeas.europa.eu
Website: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/indonesia

European Union kicks off 'Europe Week' in Indonesia

From 2 May to 11 May 2014 Jakarta will see more Europe as the European Union (EU)
marks Europe Day with a whole week of celebrations. Europe Day aims to remind
people that the EU, which has ensured half a century of peace, stability and prosperity
on its own continent, is actively reaching out to other parts of the world, and building
closer links between the peoples of Europe and Indonesia.

Olof Skoog, the EU Ambassador to Indonesia explained "Europe Week 2014 will be a week
during which Indonesians will have the chance to discover the diversity of what the European
Union does in Indonesia, from growing political relations to trade and development
assistance. I would like to invite everyone to visit the EU Film Festival, the EU scholarship
information day, the EU Wine and Cheese pavilion, and to join us on Jalan Sudirman on 4
May for the EU on the Move 5k Run Walk".
Europe Week 2014 – Bringing People Together
The aim of Europe Week is to bring Indonesia and the EU closer together through a variety
of events.
One of the main attractions of the week will be the 14th European Film Festival – ‘Europe on
Screen 2014’. The festival will be held from 2 to 11 May 2014 in 9 cities across Indonesia:
Banda Aceh, Bandung, Denpasar, Jakarta, Makassar, Medan, Padang, Surabaya and
Yogyakarta. Showcasing 71 films from 26 European countries, the Festival will present an
exciting selection of contemporary films including this year's Oscar-winning "La Grande
Moreover, a EU-Indonesia Scholarship Info Day will take place on 3 May at Le Meridien
Hotel Jakarta (09:30-16:00), featuring presentation sessions and information tables, a great
opportunity for students, parents, academics and the general public to find out all there is to
know about scholarships offered by the EU and its Member States for studies at European
Then, on Sunday, 4 May a 5K ‘EU on the Move’ RunWalk will take place along the main
street of Jakarta – Jalan Sudirman. On finishing at Intiland Tower – the office building of the
EU Delegation – there will be plenty of fun family activities and entertainment, including stage
Europe Day itself, will be celebrated with a European pavilion to open the Wine and Cheese
Expo of the Jakarta Food Festival - a chance for Jakartans to discover a variety of European
delicacies, including wine, cheese, beer, chocolates and other regional specialities.
Delegation of the European Union to
Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and ASEAN
Delegation of the European Union to Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and ASEAN
Intiland Tower, 16th floor, Jl Jend Sudirman 32, Jakarta 10220 Indonesia
Tel: (62 21) 2554 6200 - Fax: (62 21) 2554 6201 - E-mail: delegation-indonesia@eeas.europa.eu
Website: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/indonesia

Europe Day – Celebrations all across the Globe to mark the EU’s Birthday
Each year on 9 May the European Union celebrates Europe Day to commemorate the
historical declaration by French foreign minister, Robert Schuman, which is considered to be
the beginning of the creation of the European Union itself. In his speech in Paris in 1950, he
set out the idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war
between Europe’s nations unthinkable.
To mark the event, festivities will take place all across Europe. In parallel, EU Delegations all
around the world organise activities such as lectures, competitions, film festivals and other
events that demonstrate the best the EU has to offer.

Contact Person:
Tioria Silalahi, tioria.silalahi@eeas.europa.eu
Delegation of the European Union to Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and ASEAN
Intiland Tower, 16th floor, Jl Jend Sudirman 32, Jakarta 10220 Indonesia
Tel: (62 21) 2554 6200 - Fax: (62 21) 2554 6201 - E-mail: delegation-indonesia@eeas.europa.eu
Website: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/indonesia

Europe Week Programme
2-11 May – 14th European Film Festival – ‘Europe on Screen 2014’ [public event]
This year’s European Film Festival “Europe on Screen” (EOS) will be held from 2 to 11 May 2014 in 9
cities across Indonesia: Banda Aceh, Bandung, Denpasar, Jakarta, Makassar, Medan, Padang,
Surabaya and Yogyakarta. Showcasing 71 films from 26 European countries, the Festival will present
a mosaic of films by emerging talents as well as established masters of European cinema.
The Festival will also be screening 10 films from finalists of the 4th EOS Short Film Competition. A
total of 152 Indonesian filmmakers took part in the competition. From the 10 shortlisted films, the Best
Film will be chosen by an international jury and announced at the EOS Closing Night.
More information: http://europeonscreen.org

3 May – EU-Indonesia Scholarships Info Day [public event]
The EU-Indonesia Scholarships Info Day will be held on 3 May 2014 in Jakarta. The event, which
includes presentation sessions and information tables, is a golden opportunity for students, parents,
academics and the general public to find out all there is to know about scholarships offered by the EU
and its Member States for studies at European universities. The Government of Indonesia will also
participate in the Info Day to promote two of its scholarship schemes for Indonesian students.
More information: http://bit.ly/eu-scholarships | http://bit.ly/eu-beasiswa

4 May – EU on the Move 5K RunWalk [public event]
A 5K RunWalk will take place on 4 May 2014 along the main street of Jakarta – Jalan Sudirman. On
finishing at Intiland Tower – the office building of the EU Delegation – there will be plenty of fun family
activities and entertainment, including stage performances. Medals will also be awarded to the first
500 finishers. The entry fee is Rp 20.000 (incl. T-Shirt); all proceeds will benefit Yayasan Wisma

Online registration: euonthemove@gmail.com
More information: 0812 932 911 42
and http://bit.ly/europeonthemove_EN | http://bit.ly/europeonthemove_ID

5 May – The Launch of the EU Blue Book 2014 [by invitation]
The EU Delegation to Indonesia, in cooperation with the EU Member States, will launch on 5 May
2014 in Jakarta its annual report on EU-Indonesia development cooperation, so-called “Blue Book”.
During the launch, representatives of the Indonesian government, civil society, international
community and the media will also use the opportunity to discuss the EU-Indonesia cooperation in the
education sector. The focus of the panel discussion will be on “Achieving the Minimum Standards
Service in Basic Education”.
More information: http://bit.ly/eubluebook | http://bit.ly/uebukubiru
Delegation of the European Union to Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and ASEAN
Intiland Tower, 16th floor, Jl Jend Sudirman 32, Jakarta 10220 Indonesia
Tel: (62 21) 2554 6200 - Fax: (62 21) 2554 6201 - E-mail: delegation-indonesia@eeas.europa.eu
Website: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/indonesia

6 May – Seminar: Indonesia-EU Relations – Embracing Shared Values [by invitation]
This seminar will review the state of Indonesia-EU relations from a broad perspective
covering political-security, economic and socio-cultural issues. Beyond taking stock
participants will also explore ways to take the partnership to the next level.

7 May – University Lecture on European Integration and EU Enlargement [public
Ten years ago, on 1 May 2004, the biggest ever enlargement of the EU – from 15 to 25
Member States – brought stability and reunited Europe after years of artificial division during
the cold war. To celebrate this anniversary, the EU Delegation to Indonesia in cooperation
with EU Member States will organise a public lecture at Universitas Indonesia, Salemba

8 May – Europe Day Reception [by invitation]
The EU Delegation to Indonesia will host a reception on the eve of Europe Day. Over 700
people are expected to attend, including Indonesian government officials, parliamentarians,
business representatives, academics, media and civil society, as well as members of the
diplomatic community in Jakarta.

9 May - EU Pavilion at the Wine & Cheese Expo [public event]
The Wine and Cheese Expo is an event held as part of the annual Jakarta Fashion and Food
Festival (JFFF). It is directly inspired from the Marathon du Médoc and Festival which takes
place every year in the South of France, and initially aimed at introducing the wine culture to
Indonesians. At least 11 embassies of EU Member States and 29 European companies will
be participating in this year's Expo, which takes place in North Jakarta, and where there will
be an EU Pavilion from the 9th to the 18th of May, supported by the EU Delegation to
More info: http://wineandcheeseexpo.com | http://jfff.info

9 May - EuroCham 8th Annual Golf Tournament [registration: EuroCham]
The European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (EuroCham) will host its 8th
annual golf tournament at Rancamaya Golf & Country Club in West Java. The event will see
avid golfers and notable representatives from Jakarta’s business circle teeing off bright and
early to celebrate Europe Day and to mark the 10th anniversary of EuroCham in Indonesia.
More info: http://www.eurocham.or.id

Selasa, 29 April 2014

Indonesian South Sea Pearls

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Indonesian South Sea Pearls

South Sea Pearls
Ingrid Mutiara Sutardjo & Nunik Anurningsih

Announcing the latest coffee-table book from Afterhours Books, written by pearl connoisseurs Ingrid Mutiara Sutardjo and award-winning jewellery designer Nunik Anurningsih, on one of the rarest and costliest types of cultured pearls, renowned for their soft iridescence, satiny lustre and large size. .

Pearls are the most ancient and extraordinary gems known to humankind. Miracles of nature created by a living animal, they have mesmerized us since time immemorial. And their allure is as strong as ever, judging by the multi-billion dollar industry they have become today. 

Few people are aware that the most beautiful South Sea pearls are produced in Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia is the biggest producer of South Sea pearls in the world. Yet Indonesian South Sea pearls have been hidden treasures until now, unknown to Indonesians and foreigners alike. 

This book brings Indonesian South Sea pearls out of hiding and into the light, for all the world to see their beauty and feel their magic. 

The sumptuously illustrated and light-reading, yet enlightening text introduces the habitat and biology of Indonesia's giant pearl-bearing oysters, and explores the intriguing role of pearls in the history of civilization in general, Indonesia in particular. It reveals the well-kept secrets of how Indonesia's pearls are cultivated, in a labour-intensive industry that is both ecological and economically benefits the coastal communities it employs. 

Readers will also get to feast their senses on a stunning collection of contemporary Indonesian South Sea pearl jewellery designs, which brilliantly reflect and bring out not only the unique qualities of the gems they are made of, but also, their endlessly diverse and creative – yet astonishingly little known – country of origin.

About the Book
• Elegant, foilstamped hardcover
• Dust jacket printed on Curious Pearlescent paper
• Size 24 × 32.5 cm (portrait)
• 220 pages, full color, fine matt coated paper with overprint varnish
• Limited edition
• Shipping Weight 2 kg
• ISBN: 9786029750768

• Domestic Price: Rp 880,000 (Indonesia only, excluding shipment)
• International Price: USD 139 (Export only, including shipment via FedEx)

Our mailing address is:
Afterhours Books
Jalan Merpati 45, Menteng Dalam
Jakarta 12870, Indonesia
Tel +62 21 830 6819
Fax +62 21 829 0612

Follow us on
Twitter: @AfterhoursBooks
Facebook: Afterhours Books

Dengan bangga kami umumkan para pemenang ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia 2014

LIPUTSANSATU.COM - Jakarta, April 27, 2014  – Kedua dewan juri telah memutuskan bahwa “Where I go” yang disutradarai oleh Neang Kavich dari Kamboja sebagai film terbaik untuk kategori “Best SEA Shorts” dan “Wukan – the Flame of Democracy” yang disutradarai oleh duo Lynn Lee & James Leong memenangi kategori bergengsi “Best International Documentary”.
Edisi kedua Chopshots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia telah berakhir . Setelah 58 film yang diputar bergiliran di empat tempat di Jakarta selama enam hari terakhir, dengan total 3000 penonton, festival ini telah mencapai puncaknya pada Minggu malam, 27 April 2014 di GoetheHaus. Peserta DocNet Campus, anggota dewan juri, tim penyelenggara dan para tamu berkumpul bersama untuk terakhir kalinya di kesempatan malam penganugerahan yang ditutup dengan pemutaran film pemenang dan, tentu saja, pesta.
Pernyataan Dewan Juri
Untuk kategori Best SEA Shorts (film dokumenter berdurasi kurang dari 60 menit), dewan juri yang terdiri dari Leonard Retel Helmrich, Chalida Uabumrungjit dan Nguyen Trinh Thi menganugerahkan predikat film Terbaik Pertama Best SEA Shorts kepada film "Where I Go" yang disutradarai oleh Neang Kavich dari Kamboja.  
Dalam pernyataan tertulisnya dewan juri menjela skan keputusan mereka: "Menyadari sumber daya yang terbatas untuk sebagian besar pembuat film independen di wilayah Asia Tenggara, kami memutuskan untuk fokus mencari potensi dan komitmen sineas daripada menilai film berdasarkan nilai produksi mereka. Dalam "Where I Go", sang sineas memungkinkan cerita terungkap di depan kita saat ia mengikuti perjalanan tokohnya untuk menemukan tempat dan identitasnya dalam keluarganya, masyarakat dan konteks nasional dan global yang lebih luas. Menggunakan gaya pengamatan, sineas mampu untuk menyampaikan kepada kita dan membuat kita menemukan kompleksitas berlapis-lapis dari situasi saat ini di Kamboja. "
Neang Kavich berhak atas hadiah uang sejumlah 3000 Euro.
Terbaik Kedua Best SEA Shorts adalah “Flaneurs #3” yang disutradari oleh Aryo Danusiri dari Indonesia. Ia berhak atas hadiah uang sejumlah 1500 Euro.
Untuk kategori Best International Documentary, dewan juri yang terdiri dari Anna Har, Bettina Braun, Budi Irawanto, John Badalu dan Nick Deocampo menganugerahkan predikat Film Terbaik kepada "Wukan: The Flame of Democracy” yang disutradarai oleh Lynn Lee dan James Leong. Dalam pernyataan mereka, dewan juri menjelaskan: "Wukan mampu menceritakan sebuah cerita yang kompleks dengan banyak karakter dalam jangka waktu yang panjang. Film ini berhasil  menggambarkan usaha mencapai demokrasi yang memiliki resonansi global untuk mereka yang berjuang mewujudkan reformasi yang demokratis."
Kedua sutradara dari Singapura Lynn Lee dan James Leong berhak atas hadiah uang 5000 Euro untuk film yang berlatar belakang sebuah desa di China ini.
Penghargaan Khusus diberikan kepada film “Madam Phung´s Last Journey” yang disutradarai oleh Nguyen Thi Tham dari Vietnam (Best International Documentary). Penghargaan Film Pilihan Penonton (Audience Award) yang memberi hadiah uang 500 Euro didapatkan oleh film dari Indonesia “Jalanan” yang disutradarai oleh Daniel Ziv”.
Untuk film-film yang masuk ke dalam program festival ini, memenangi atau tidak salah satu kategori, bukanlah akhir dari segalanya. Masih dalam rangka ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia mereka tahun depan akan dibawa berkeliling Asia Tenggara. “Ini artinya satu kesempatan untuk mendapat pemirsa yang sama sekali baru,” kata Verena Lehmkuhl, Direktur Eksekutif festival. “Memenangi penghargaan ChopShots meningkatkan kesempatan bagi film-film ini untuk dipilih oleh festival internasional lainnya. Hal ini akan mendorong pemirsa yang tidak tahu banyak tentang satu subyek untuk mencoba menonton mereka. Kami akan mengikuti perkembangan film-film ini dengan saksama.”
“ChopShots telah memperkuat ikatan dan kebutuhan untuk saling mendukung antara sesama pembuat film dokumenter di Asia Tenggara. Yang ingin kami capai bersama-sama adalah pengakuan internasional untuk film-film yang menceritakan kisah-kisah unik Asia Tenggara yang dibuat oleh sineas Asia Tenggara,” tambah Lulu Ratna, salah satu Direktur Pelaksana festival.
Mengenai ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia
Semuanya bermula pada 2012 dengan sebuah proyek yang diberi nama DocNet Southeast Asia. Goethe-Institut dan Uni Eropa di Indonesia memulai proyek membangun jejaring untuk mendukung pembuatan film dokumenter di Asia Tenggara dan untuk menyatukan inisiatif-inisiatif lokal yang bervariasi yang telah lama ada di wilayah tersebut. Untuk menjadi puncak kegiatan dari proyek ini, penyelenggaraan suatu festival film dokumenter rasanya terlihat sebagai sebuah niat yang lumrah. Kemudian lahirlah edisi perdana  ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia pada Desember 2012 yang akan berlanjut tahun ini untuk merayakan cara menuturkan sebuah cerita dengan unik dan tajam. Lebih dari 247 film dari 49 negara diterima oleh tim ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia tahun ini. Dari seluruh film itu, 58 kemudian masuk ke dalam program, 12 film di antaranya berkompetisi di kategori dokumenter panjang, International Competition, sementara 18 film pendek termasuk di kategori Best SEA Shorts.
Selain pemutaran film, DocNet Campus, sebuah pelatihan selama tujuh hari, juga telah dilaksanakan dalam rangka ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia. Tiga tutor internasional mengajar dan bekerja sama dengan 15 sineas terpilih asal Asia Tenggara.
Informasi seputar ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia tersedia di:

We Proudly Announce the Winners of
ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia 2014

Jakarta, April 27, 2014 –The jury has concluded: “Where I go” by Neang Kavich from Cambodia takes home the 1st prize in the category “Best SEA Shorts”. “Wukan – the Flame of Democracy” by Singaporean directing duo Lynn Lee & James Leong wins the prestigious “Best International Documentary”


The second edition of Chopshots Documentary Film Festival has ended.   After 58 films were showcased on rotation in 4 venues in Jakarta for the past 6 days, with a total of 3000 of viewers, the festival came to its peak on Sunday evening, April 27 at GoetheHaus. Participants, jury, team and guests celebrated together one last time at the Award Night, with a screening of winner films and, of course, an after party.

The Jury Statements

In the category Best SEA Shorts (Short documentaries no longer than 60 minutes), the jury consisting of Leonard Retel Helmrich, Chalida Uabumrungjit and Nguyen Trinh Thi awarded the film "Where I Go" by Neang Kavich from Cambodia as the 1st in Best SEA Shorts.

In their jury statement, they explained their decision: “Recognizing the limited resources for the majority of independent filmmakers in the region, we decided to focus on spotting the potential and commitment of film-makers rather than judging the films based on their production value. In "Where I Go", the filmmaker lets the story unfold in front of us as he follows the character on his journey to find his place and identity within his family, community and the wider national and global contexts.  Using the observational style of film-making, the filmmaker was able to let us experience and discover the multi-layered complexity of the current situation in Cambodia.”

The director Neang Kavich receives 3000 Euro in prize money. The 2nd in Best SEA Shorts went to “Flaneurs #3” by Aryo Danusiri from Indonesia. He receives 1500 Euro in prize money.

In the category Best International Documentary, the Jury consisting of Anna Har, Bettina Braun, Budi Irawanto, John Badalu and Nick Deocampo awarded "Wukan: The Flame of Democracy” by Lynn Lee and James Leong.

In their statement, the jury explained: “Wukan is able to tell a complex story with many characters over a long period of time through an engaged filmmaking. It portrays the process of attaining democracy that has a global resonance for those struggling for democratic reforms.”

Singaporean directors Lynn Lee and James Leong, whose film is set in China, will receive 5000 Euro in prize money.

Special mentions went out to the film “Madam Phung´s Last Journey” by Nguyen Thi Tham from Vietnam (Best International Documentary). The audience award worth 500 Euros was determined through a public voting and given to “Jalanan” by Daniel Ziv from Indonesia.

“For the films screened here, winning ChopShots is not the end of the story, but the beginning. They will embark on a tour through Southeast Asia with the ChopShots traveling fest next year. This means exposure to a whole new audience”, says the festival´s Executive Director, Verena Lehmkuhl. “Winning the ChopShots Award increases the chance for films to be picked up by other international festivals. It encourages viewers who don´t know much about the subject to give it a try. We´ll be following the future impact of these films closely.”

“ChopShots has strengthened the cohesion and mutual support of the scene here in Southeast Asia. What we want to achieve together is International recognition for films that tell unique Southeast Asian stories, made by Southeast Asian filmmakers,” adds Lulu Ratna, Managing Director of the festival.

About ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia

It was started in 2012 as a project called DocNet Southeast Asia. The Goethe-Institut and the European Union in Indonesia initiated a network-building project to support documentary filmmaking in Southeast Asia and to unite varied local initiatives in the region. As the most exciting part of the initiative, a documentary film festival seemed like a natural consequence. Then ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia was inaugurated in December 2012 and continues for the second time this year to celebrate the art of telling stories differently. More than 247 films from 49 countries were received by the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia team this year, with 58 picked to be screened in the final programme. Of these, 12 feature documentaries participated in the International Competition.18 short films competed in the category Best SEA Shorts.

In addition to film screenings, DocNet Campus, a 7-day-training program was also held during the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia. Three international tutors tought and worked together with 15 selected Southeast Asian filmmakers.

For all media related inquiries please contact:

Dinyah Latuconsina

Telephone: +62-21-23550208 – 147 (Monday-Friday, 10:00 am – 05:00 pm)
Mobile: +6287878737514
Email: dinyah.latuconsina@jakarta.goethe.org

Further information on the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia here:


Press Release April 27  2014 – for immediate release

We Proudly Announce the Winners of
ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia 2014

Jakarta, April 27, 2014 –The jury has concluded: “Where I go” by Neang Kavich from Cambodia takes home the 1st prize in the category “Best SEA Shorts”. “Wukan – the Flame of Democracy” by Singaporean directing duo Lynn Lee & James Leong wins the prestigious “Best International Documentary”

The second edition of Chopshots Documentary Film Festival has ended.   After 58 films were showcased on rotation in 4 venues in Jakarta for the past 6 days, with a total of 3000 of viewers, the festival came to its peak on Sunday evening, April 27 at GoetheHaus. Participants, jury, team and guests celebrated together one last time at the Award Night, with a screening of winner films and, of course, an after party.

The Jury Statements

In the category Best SEA Shorts (Short documentaries no longer than 60 minutes), the jury consisting of Leonard Retel Helmrich, Chalida Uabumrungjit and Nguyen Trinh Thi awarded the film "Where I Go" by Neang Kavich from Cambodia as the 1st in Best SEA Shorts.

In their jury statement, they explained their decision: “Recognizing the limited resources for the majority of independent filmmakers in the region, we decided to focus on spotting the potential and commitment of film-makers rather than judging the films based on their production value. In "Where I Go", the filmmaker lets the story unfold in front of us as he follows the character on his journey to find his place and identity within his family, community and the wider national and global contexts.  Using the observational style of film-making, the filmmaker was able to let us experience and discover the multi-layered complexity of the current situation in Cambodia.”

The director Neang Kavich receives 3000 Euro in prize money. The 2nd in Best SEA Shorts went to “Flaneurs #3” by Aryo Danusiri from Indonesia. He receives 1500 Euro in prize money.

In the category Best International Documentary, the Jury consisting of Anna Har, Bettina Braun, Budi Irawanto, John Badalu and Nick Deocampo awarded "Wukan: The Flame of Democracy” by Lynn Lee and James Leong.

In their statement, the jury explained: “Wukan is able to tell a complex story with many characters over a long period of time through an engaged filmmaking. It portrays the process of attaining democracy that has a global resonance for those struggling for democratic reforms.”

Singaporean directors Lynn Lee and James Leong, whose film is set in China, will receive 5000 Euro in prize money.

Special mentions went out to the film “Madam Phung´s Last Journey” by Nguyen Thi Tham from Vietnam (Best International Documentary). The audience award worth 500 Euros was determined through a public voting and given to “Jalanan” by Daniel Ziv from Indonesia.

“For the films screened here, winning ChopShots is not the end of the story, but the beginning. They will embark on a tour through Southeast Asia with the ChopShots traveling fest next year. This means exposure to a whole new audience”, says the festival´s Executive Director, Verena Lehmkuhl. “Winning the ChopShots Award increases the chance for films to be picked up by other international festivals. It encourages viewers who don´t know much about the subject to give it a try. We´ll be following the future impact of these films closely.”

“ChopShots has strengthened the cohesion and mutual support of the scene here in Southeast Asia. What we want to achieve together is International recognition for films that tell unique Southeast Asian stories, made by Southeast Asian filmmakers,” adds Lulu Ratna, Managing Director of the festival.

About ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia

It was started in 2012 as a project called DocNet Southeast Asia. The Goethe-Institut and the European Union in Indonesia initiated a network-building project to support documentary filmmaking in Southeast Asia and to unite varied local initiatives in the region. As the most exciting part of the initiative, a documentary film festival seemed like a natural consequence. Then ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia was inaugurated in December 2012 and continues for the second time this year to celebrate the art of telling stories differently. More than 247 films from 49 countries were received by the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia team this year, with 58 picked to be screened in the final programme. Of these, 12 feature documentaries participated in the International Competition.18 short films competed in the category Best SEA Shorts.

In addition to film screenings, DocNet Campus, a 7-day-training program was also held during the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia. Three international tutors tought and worked together with 15 selected Southeast Asian filmmakers.

For all media related inquiries please contact:

Dinyah Latuconsina

Telephone: +62-21-23550208 – 147 (Monday-Friday, 10:00 am – 05:00 pm)
Mobile: +6287878737514
Email: dinyah.latuconsina@jakarta.goethe.org

Further information on the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia here:


Senin, 28 April 2014

Winning start: BMW i3 garners World Car Design of the Year and World Green Car awards

Winning start: BMW i3 garners World Car Design of the Year and World Green Car awards.

Double triumph for the first all-electric production vehicle from BMW i. Jury lauds the individual design and innovative overall concept of the BMW i3.

LIPUTANSATU - Munich/New York. With its all-electric BMW i3, the BMW Group has successfully brought to market the world’s first premium automobile conceived from the ground up for zero-emission mobility. Against the backdrop of the New York International Auto Show, the BMW i3 earned two of the most prestigious international awards soon after its market launch: the World Car Design of the Year Award 2014 and the World Green Car Award 2014.

“Right from the development stage, the BMW i3 is a thoroughly sustainable vehicle designed for the requirements of the 21st century,” said Dr Ian Robertson, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Sales and Marketing BMW. “Our designers created a car that, through its design and use of sustainable materials, is an expression of the future.”

This year saw 28 contenders lining up for the World Car Design of the Year competition. A high-calibre panel of design experts ultimately presented a short list of three finalists to the 69-strong overall jury. Of these, the BMW i3 emerged as the winner. The jury said of its choice: “In its design the BMW i3 suggests both roominess and efficiency – yet it is at first glance a genuine BMW. The interior is surprising and attractive, almost like a modern living room. This represents a radical leap in interior design. Beyond this, the BMW designers have succeeded in imbuing the new sub-brand with its very own character.”

In addition to this prestigious design award, the BMW i3 also earned the accolade World Green Car 2014. Out of 14 contestants, three made it to the final. The judges explained their winning choice as follows: “The BMW i3 is one of very few clean-sheet-of-paper cars designed from the ground up with efficiency in mind. Radical in looks, construction and powertrain, it is purpose-built with the world’s megacities in mind. The BMW i3 pushes boundaries on many fronts.”

The BMW Group already won the World Green Car of the Year award in 2008 For its BMW EfficientDynamics development strategy in the BMW 118d.
For questions please contact:
Verena Stewens,
Technology Communications
Spokesperson BMW i
Phone: +49-89-382-60816
E-Mail: verena.stewens@bmw.de
The BMW Group
The BMW Group is the leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 28 production and assembly facilities in 13 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.
In 2013, the BMW Group sold approximately 1.963 million cars and 115,215 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2013 was € 7.91 billion on revenues amounting to approximately € 76.06 billion. As of 31 December 2013, the BMW Group had a workforce of 110,351 employees.
The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BMWGroup
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Google+: http://googleplus.bmwgroup.com
BMW i3 (07/2013)

GREENPEACE INDONESIA: Kamu berperan menentukan masa depan Indonesia

100 Persen Indonesia
Hai Ruslan Andy Chandra,

Kamu berperan menentukan masa depan Indonesia.

Saya pernah merasakan bagaimana rasanya menghirup asap kebakaran hutan selama berhari-hari. Mata perih dan dada sesak sekali. Rasanya tidak berdaya karena kemana pun kita pergi asap memenuhi udara menyelimuti bumi kita berpijak. Pengalaman itu tidak pernah saya lupakan. Bagi rekan saya, Zamzami dan jutaan masyarakat Riau, hal demikian seperti sudah merupakan siklus rutin hidup mereka. Saya selalu membayangkan para balita yang hidup dalam situasi demikian.
Bukan saja berakibat buruk bagi penduduk lokal, kebakaran hutan dan lahan gambut juga membawa konsekuensi yang jauh lebih luas dari yang kita bayangkan. Emisi gas rumah kaca hasil kebakaran hutan dan gambut mempercepat pemanasan global, membuat temperatur bumi kita meningkat layaknya orang yang sedang demam. Dan seperti kita tau pemanasan global ini telah mengakibatkan perubahan iklim dengan dampak negatif yang sudah kita ketahui.
Tutupan hutan menyerap emisi gas rumah kaca, namun karena tutupan hutan menyusutnya terus maka kelebihan gas rumah kaca tersebut pada akhirnya akan terserap oleh laut, yang berakibat pada meningkatnya tingkat keasaman laut. Peningkatan keasaman laut menimbulkan efek berantai dengan dampak luar biasa yang belum kita ketahui sepenuhnya.
Meskipun seakan terpisah jauh, sesungguhnya hutan dan laut memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat dan saling mempengaruhi.
Bila kekuatan ada di tangan kamu, apa yang akan kamu lakukan? Maukah kamu membantu Zamzami dan putri kecilnya agar mereka tidak lagi harus menghirup asap setiap tahunnya? Maukah kamu turut menyelamatkan hutan dan sekaligus menyelamatkan lautan, iklim dan juga laut kita?
Kita bisa ikut menentukan lingkungan hidup dan negeri kita menjadi lebih baik.

Klik di sini, mari bersuara untuk 100% Indonesia yang lebih hijau.

Salam Indonesia hijau damai,

Longgena Ginting
Kepala Greenpeace Indonesia

Uni Eropa Gelar Perayaan Hari Eropa di Jakarta Selama Sepekan Kotak Masuk

LIPUTANSATU.COM, Jakarta. Uni Eropa sebagai mitra utama bagi Indonesia dalam berbagai sektor termasuk perdagangan, lingkungan, pendidikan, kesehatan, politik, keamanan, ekonomi, investasi, sosial-budaya, serta sektor pembangunan lainnya akan merayakan hari besarnya yakni Hari Eropa pada 9 Mei 2014 mendatang. Bagi UE, perayaan Hari Eropa (perayaan perdamaian dan kesatuan di Eropa) di Indonesia penting mengingat maknanya yang sejalan dengan semboyan Indonesia “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” (persatuan dalam keberagaman). Kesamaan pandangan ini penting bagi UE karena merupakan modal kuat untuk meningkatkan hubungan kerjasama bilateral Indonesia-UE dalam berbagai sektor.

Perayaan Hari Eropa pada tahun ini di Indonesia akan terasa berbeda dan istimewa karena Delegasi Uni Eropa di Indonesia akan menyelenggarakan “Europe Week 2014” yakni serangkaian acara selama sepekan ke depan termasuk festival film (Europe on Screen), pameran beasiswa Eropa - Indonesia, lari bersama pada saat Car Free Day, peluncuran laporan kerjasama pembangunan RI - Uni Eropa selama tahun 2013, seminar publik, kuliah umum di Universitas Indonesia, acara resepsi pebisnis Eropa (investasi di Indonesia), turnamen golf dan festival wine dan keju Eropa pada Jakarta Food and Fashion Festival (JFFF). Melalui pekan Eropa ini, Delegasi Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia bersama dengan seluruh warga Eropa yang berkediaman di Jakarta akan bersama-sama merayakan Hari Eropa dengan warga Indonesia termasuk pemerintah, asosiasi bisnis, rekanan, mitra-mitra kerja, serta masyarakat umum.

Duta Besar Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia Olof Skoog akan secara langsung memaparkan berbagai kegiatan yang diselenggarakan dengan tema "Europe Week 2014 – United in Diversity" dan menjelaskan bagaimana perayaan Hari Eropa ini menjadi penanda komitmen Uni Eropa untuk terus meningkatkan hubungan kerjasama dengan Indonesia. Menurut Sarah dari Delegasi Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia,  juga telah mengundang media untuk  konferensi pers dengan tajuk “EUROPE WEEK 2014 – UNITED IN DIVERSITY” pada hari Rabu, 30 April 2014 di Jakarta.

Jumat, 25 April 2014

The New MINI. The New Original: Epic driving fun better than before

MINI Cooper and MINI Cooper S. (11/2013)
Media Information
25 April 2014
The New MINI.
The New Original: Epic driving fun better than before.
Singapore. The new-generation MINI has arrived. Designed to be bigger, drives better and packed with more technological innovation than before, the new MINI continues to be the leading original of the premium small car segment.
Available locally in two variants; MINI Cooper and MINI Cooper S, the new MINI will be retailed at the MINI Habitat.

The evolution of the new MINI’s design signals the more mature character of this new model, reflecting significant optimisation in aspects such as space, safety, materials and finish quality as well as driving dynamics and ride comfort.
“The new MINI offers significant advancements in all areas relating to driving fun, quality and individual flair. The enhancement of product substance embodied in the new MINI comes directly from the BMW Group's outstanding development expertise and takes on a more extensive form than ever before in the history of the brand,” said Mr Sethipong Anutarasoti, Corporate Affairs Director of BMW Group Asia.

“Newly developed power units featuring MINI Twin Power Turbo Technology are also available for the new MINI. The new MINI Cooper now has a 3-cylinder petrol engine with a peak output of 136 hp, while the MINI Cooper S comes with a 4-cylinder petrol engine with 192 hp,” added Mr Anutarasoti.

New engines: MINI Twin Power Turbo Technology
For the first time both 3-cylinder and 4-cylinder engines are introduced, all featuring MINI Twin Power Turbo Technology. The petrol engines include turbocharging, direct fuel injection and variable camshaft control on the intake and exhaust side (double VANOS). In the engines of the MINI Cooper S and MINI Cooper models there is also fully variable valve control in the form of VALVETRONIC, as patented by the BMW Group.

All model variants of the new MINI have improved engine and driving performance figures while their fuel consumption and emission levels have been reduced as compared to the predecessor models by as much as 27%.
For highly spirited power delivery, the new MINI Cooper S is powered by a 2.0-litre 4-cylinder engine with a peak output of 192 hp which goes on stream between 4,700 and 6,000 rpm, delivering its maximum torque of 280 Nm from 1,250 to 4,750 rpm. Torque can even briefly be increased to 300 Nm by means of an overboost function. As a result, acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h takes just 6.7 seconds, while the top speed is 233 km/h. The average fuel consumption of the new MINI Cooper S is 5.5 litres per 100 km, while its level of CO2 emissions 127 g/100km (per average EU test cycle).

With output increased by 14 hp to 136 hp between 4,500 and 6,000 rpm and a maximum torque of 220 Nm (230 Nm at 1,300 rpm with overboost), now available from 1,250 to 4,000rpm, the 1.5-litre 3-cylinder petrol engine in the new MINI Cooper also enables much sportier driving performance than the predecessor power unit. The new MINI Cooper sprints in 7.8 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h, with a top speed of 210 km/h. Its average fuel consumption has been reduced to 4.9litres per 100km and a CO2 emissions level of 115 g/100km (per average EU test cycle).

Six-speed automatic transmission with optimised efficiency.
The six-speed automatic transmission which comes standard for both the Cooper and Cooper S offer improved efficiency, enhanced shift comfort and increased shift dynamics. These advancements have been achieved by means of such elements as a more efficient transmission control system, a more direct connection and optimised hydraulics. The new MINI also combines automatic transmission with the automatic engine start/stop function for the first time, preventing unnecessary fuel consumption caused by idling at junctions or in congested traffic.

In conjunction with the MINI navigation system, the automatic transmission is also able to take account of the route profile in controlling gear shifts. Based on navigation data, the appropriate drive position is selected to match the imminent situation on the road, e.g. directly prior to junctions or on corners. This prevents unnecessary upshifts between two bends in quick succession, for example.

The MINIMALISM technology which comes as standard includes not only the automatic engine start/stop function but also extensive measures to optimise weight and aerodynamic drag in the new MINI. Other measures include brake energy recuperation and needs-oriented control of the fuel pump, coolant pump and other ancillary units. The electromechanical power steering is equally as energy-efficiency as the map-controlled oil pumps in all engines.

Depending on the model variant, a significant optimisation of aerodynamic properties is achieved by such measures as active cooling air flaps, extensive underbody trim and air ducting elements in the upper section of the C columns. With a drag coefficient (Cd value) of 0.28 (MINI Cooper) or 0.31 (MINI Cooper S), the new MINI is the segment leader in terms of aerodynamics, too.

Optimised suspension technology: Less weight, more go-kart feeling.
The refinement of suspension technology in the new MINI keeps to the well-established design principle of the single-joint spring strut axle at front along with a multilink rear axle that is unique within the competitive environment, as well as featuring extensive optimisation of all components in terms of material selection and geometry. All improvements are aimed at intensifying the experience of the agile MINI handling properties, commonly known as the go-kart feeling. The set-up of the wheel suspension, body mounting, vehicle suspension, damping, steering and brakes takes account of the increased level of engine power and the typical MINI concept consisting of front-wheel drive, transversely mounted engine at the front, low centre of gravity, short overhangs, wide track and a rigid, weight-optimised body structure.

In order to reduce weight and increase component rigidity, the new front axle is fitted with aluminium swivel bearings as well as axle supports and wishbones made of high-strength steel. The modified front axle kinematics supports the agile turn-in response and precise steering sensation of the new MINI. The share of high-strength steel used in the rear axle has also been increased. Tube-shaped stabilisers at the front and rear axle likewise contribute to weight reduction.
Intelligent lightweight construction means that weight reduction in the new MINI is combined with an increase in rigidity, thereby promoting both agility and occupant protection. In spite of its extended range of fittings, virtually all variants of the new MINI are lighter than their respective predecessor models. They also weigh less than their competitors in the segment.

MINI Driving Modes.
The new MINI Driving Modes provide an excellent basis for fuel efficient or sporty motoring. A rotary switch at the base of the gear or selector lever is used to activate the standard MID mode, the SPORT or the GREEN mode. In addition to the characteristic curve of the accelerator and steering and engine acoustics, the MINI Driving Modes also influence the ambient lighting, the displays in the LED centre instrument, the shift characteristics of the automatic transmission and the Dynamic Damper Control configuration (MINI Cooper S only). The choice is between a setup of very sporty, comfortable and well-balanced, or geared towards fuel efficiency.

In GREEN mode - supporting a relaxed and more fuel-efficient driving style - the energy used by electrically powered comfort functions such as air conditioning is reduced. In cars fitted with automatic transmission it is also possible to use the coasting function. The drivetrain is decoupled at speeds of between 50 and 160km/h as soon as the driver removes their foot from the accelerator pedal. The new MINI then rolls at idling engine speed at a minimum rate of fuel consumption.

Debut of Dynamic Damper Control.
The newly configured suspension and damping systems have been significantly reduced in weight. The dampers are decoupled at the front and rear axle by means of triple-path support bearings. Another new addition to the MINI equipment program is Dynamic Damper Control (standard in MINI Cooper S). Two characteristic lines are available for damper set-up, allowing activation of either a more comfort-oriented response or a direct, sporty response. The compression and rebound stage are adjusted by means of electrical control of the EDC valves.

The electromechanical power steering has also been subjected to extensive improvements. So-called torque steer compensation prevents self-steering tendencies caused by differing degrees of torque at the drive wheels. Steering precision has also been optimised for sudden avoidance swerves and when taking bends in very sporty style. Standard features also include the speed-related steering assistance system Servotronic.

Exterior: Bigger proportions, better agility and ride comfort.
The body of the new MINI Cooper is 3,821mm long (+98mm vs predecessor), 1,727mm wide (+44mm vs predecessor) and 1,414 mm high (+7mm vs predecessor). The wheelbase is 2,495 mm (+28mm vs predecessor), while the track width has been enlarged to 1,501mm (+34mm vs predecessor). The length of the MINI Cooper S, meanwhile, is at 3,850mm (+121mm vs predecessor) and has a track width of 1,485mm (front +32mm and rear +24mm vs predecessor).

Cornering agility and ride comfort benefit from these new dimensions as do the amount of space available to occupants and the luggage compartment volume. The extended adjustment range of the front seats, a seat surface lengthened by 23mm and a perceptible increase in shoulder room provide more foot space and freedom of movement as well as optimised entry comfort for rear passengers. Luggage compartment volume has been increased by 51 litres to 211 litres.

Innovative driver assistance systems: Increased convenience and safety.
Further evidence of the technological progress ushered in with the new edition of the MINI is to be found in the program of optional driver assistance systems - available for the first time in a model of the British brand.
New features include the optional MINI Head-Up-Display which shows information relevant to the driver on an extendible monitor in the upper section of the dashboard between the windscreen and steering wheel. The MINI Head-Up Display promotes concentration on the road by displaying information directly in the driver's line of sight. It can then be read quickly and conveniently without averting one's eyes from the road. The information that can be shown in the MINI Head-Up Display includes speed in figures, navigation directions in the form of arrow graphics and junction sketches, visual signals for collision warning, display symbols generated by Speed Limit Info and No Passing Info, Check Control messages and entertainment program details such as radio channels and track titles. The graphics on the high-resolution screen are clearly visible in all light conditions.

Other innovations in the area of driver assistance systems for the new MINI include the Driving Assistant option. This comprises a camera-based cruise control and distance control function which automatically maintains a distance from the vehicle ahead, and the collision and pedestrian warning system with initial brake function. In critical situations, the driver is first provided with a visual signal in the form of a graphic symbol that appears in the instrument cluster; this is supplemented at the second warning level by an acoustic signal prompting the driver to react.
In addition to this, an automatic brake manoeuvre is triggered in the case of an imminent collision with a pedestrian or if there is a risk of a rear-end collision in urban traffic. Here the new MINI is decelerated at medium brake force. Depending on the situation, this can either prevent an impact occurring altogether or else significantly reduce the severity of the accident. As the automatic deceleration is activated, the driver is also given an unmistakable prompt to intervene.

A rear view camera and parking assistant are also optionally available for the new MINI. The video images supplied by the rear view camera underneath the tailgate handle are shown on the on-board computer in the central instrument as an aid when manoeuvring and reverse parking.

The new MINI is available for viewing at the MINI Habitat showroom.

Additional information enclosed:
1. The MINI price list.
2. The MINI specifications.

For more information:
BMW Asia Pte Ltd
Corporate Affairs Department
Sethipong Anutarasoti
Tel: +65 6838 9630
Email: sethipong.anutarasoti@bmwasia.com

Daniel Chan
Tel: +65 6838 9639
Email: daniel.chan@bmwasia.com
Media Website: BMW Group PressClub Asia
Eurokars Habitat Pte Ltd
Andrew Lee
Marketing Manager
Tel: 6551 5530
Email: Andrew.lee@eurokars.com.sg
About MINI in Asia
MINI is headquartered and manufactured in Oxford, UK and is a brand of BMW Group. In East Asia, this iconic car is sold in Brunei, Indonesia, New Caledonia, Philippines, Singapore and Tahiti. The full range of MINI is available in these market – MINI Hatchback, MINI Cabriolet, MINI Clubman, MINI Countryman, MINI Coupé, MINI Roadster and MINI John Cooper Works.
For more information: www.mini.com.sg.

Eurokars Habitat Pte Ltd
In 2006, the first ever MINI Habitat, developed by Eurokars Group, was officially opened to the public. Voted as the best MINI Showroom in 2009 at the International MINI Dealer Conference held in London, MINI Habitat encompasses the vibrant colours, quirky designs and trademarks of the MINI brand. Currently, MINI Habitat houses the MINI Brick Lane, MINI Cooper, MINI Cooper S, MINI Cabriolet, MINI Clubman, MINI Coupé, MINI Roadster, MINI Countryman, MINI Paceman, as well as MINI John Cooper Works for the full range.
MINI Habitat is located at 27 Leng Kee Road.
Operation hours:
Mon – Sat 8:30AM – 7.00PM.
Sun and public holidays 10.00AM – 6.00PM.
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