LiputanSatu.Com. Jumat minggu lalu (26/9), Selandia Baru dan Australia merayakan Hari Kenangan Polisi di Kedutaan Besar Selandia Baru di Jakarta. Hari tersebut menghormati petugas polisi (termasuk petugas polisi Indonesia) yang terbunuh dalam tugas dan mengenang staf kepolisian yang meninggal setahun belakangan ini.
Perwira Penghubung Kepolisian Selandia Baru Komisaris Besar Neil Banks dan Ibu Carol Banks, Konselor (Manajemen dan Konsular) Kedutaan Besar Selandia Baru Priscilla Clark, dan Inspektur Detektif Greg Cramer hadiri acara ini untuk mewakili Kedutaan Besar Selandia Baru.
On Friday last week, New Zealand and Australia observed Police
Remembrance Day at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. The day pays
tribute to police officers (including Indonesian Police officers) who
have been killed on duty and remembers Police staff who have died in the
past year.
New Zealand Police Liaison Officer Superintendent Neil Banks and Mrs Carol Banks, New Zealand Embassy Counsellor (Management and Consul) Priscilla Clark, and Detective Inspector Greg Cramer attended the event to represent the New Zealand Embassy.
New Zealand Police Liaison Officer Superintendent Neil Banks and Mrs Carol Banks, New Zealand Embassy Counsellor (Management and Consul) Priscilla Clark, and Detective Inspector Greg Cramer attended the event to represent the New Zealand Embassy.
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