Sabtu, 22 Februari 2020

Moda Transportasi Dishub Aceh Bisa Jadi Contoh

Lhoksukon, LiputanSatu - Sebagai Relawan di Google Maps yang harus membiayai sendiri semua kegiatan saya. Oleh karenanya saya harus menghemat setiap pengeluaran biaya. Saya bersyukur ternyata di Banda Aceh sudah tetsedia Bus kota yang disubsidi oleh Pemerintah Aceh melalui Dinas Perhubungan Aceh.

Saya melihat bagaimana awak busnya ramah dan mau membantu orang-orang tua yang membawa barang bawaan dan menurunkan pada halte dengan rem yang slow dan pas.

Profesionalisme seperti ini bisa menjadi contoh. Bagi moda tranportasi umum lainnya yang justru berbayar alias tidak gratis.

Mengingat transportasi menjadi citra pada setiap destinasi wisata. Maka perlu kiranya para awak bus ini diberi kesejahteraan yang lebih. Seperti hadiah/rewards memberangkatkan awak bus teladan pergi Umroh atau Naik Haji. Sehingga mereka tambah semangat. Apalagi ikon Serambi Mekah dan dukungan tranportasi wisata religi sangat erat dengan fasilitas ini. Sehingga kedepannya semua tim pendukung moda transportasi ini. Dapat berhasil lebih baik dan lebih sukses demi Aceh Hebat.


Kamis, 13 Februari 2020

BMW Returns as Official Car For Singapore Airshow 2020

Fleet of 350 BMW 3 Series, BMW 5 Series and BMW 7 Series to shuttle VIP attendees

LiputanSatu, Singapote, - BMW Asia and Performance Motors are proud to jointly announce our affiliation with the Singapore Airshow 2020, Asia’s largest aerospace and defence event. A fleet of 350 units of BMW 3 Series, BMW 5 Series and BMW 7 Series have been deployed to shuttle VIP attendees for the duration of the event, from 11 to 16 February.

“Airplanes formed the fabric of our early days, and while we no longer produce aircraft engines, the spirit of reinvention is ever-present till this day,” said Mr. Christopher Wehner, Managing Director of BMW Group Asia. “Our continued collaboration with Singapore Airshow is a nod to our storied past as well as our shared goals of innovation and sustainability. We wish all guests a successful and fruitful time in Singapore.”

“It is our honour to support the Singapore Airshow for the seventh time since 2008. Over the years, VIP attendees have experienced, and come to expect, only the best from our premium chauffeur service,” said Mr. Arnt Bayer, Managing Director of Performance Motors Ltd. “We are proud to continue serving all guests with distinction and delivering a comfortable experience whenever they are on the road.”

“As we get set to witness the evolution of technology and its impact on the aviation industry at this year’s Singapore Airshow, BMW with its hallmark of engineering excellence and innovation is undoubtedly our car partner of choice. We look forward to this partnership to offer our guests the best Singapore Airshow experience,” said Mr. Leck Chet Lam, Managing Director of Experia Events, organiser of the Singapore Airshow 2020.