Selasa, 29 April 2014

Dengan bangga kami umumkan para pemenang ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia 2014

LIPUTSANSATU.COM - Jakarta, April 27, 2014  – Kedua dewan juri telah memutuskan bahwa “Where I go” yang disutradarai oleh Neang Kavich dari Kamboja sebagai film terbaik untuk kategori “Best SEA Shorts” dan “Wukan – the Flame of Democracy” yang disutradarai oleh duo Lynn Lee & James Leong memenangi kategori bergengsi “Best International Documentary”.
Edisi kedua Chopshots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia telah berakhir . Setelah 58 film yang diputar bergiliran di empat tempat di Jakarta selama enam hari terakhir, dengan total 3000 penonton, festival ini telah mencapai puncaknya pada Minggu malam, 27 April 2014 di GoetheHaus. Peserta DocNet Campus, anggota dewan juri, tim penyelenggara dan para tamu berkumpul bersama untuk terakhir kalinya di kesempatan malam penganugerahan yang ditutup dengan pemutaran film pemenang dan, tentu saja, pesta.
Pernyataan Dewan Juri
Untuk kategori Best SEA Shorts (film dokumenter berdurasi kurang dari 60 menit), dewan juri yang terdiri dari Leonard Retel Helmrich, Chalida Uabumrungjit dan Nguyen Trinh Thi menganugerahkan predikat film Terbaik Pertama Best SEA Shorts kepada film "Where I Go" yang disutradarai oleh Neang Kavich dari Kamboja.  
Dalam pernyataan tertulisnya dewan juri menjela skan keputusan mereka: "Menyadari sumber daya yang terbatas untuk sebagian besar pembuat film independen di wilayah Asia Tenggara, kami memutuskan untuk fokus mencari potensi dan komitmen sineas daripada menilai film berdasarkan nilai produksi mereka. Dalam "Where I Go", sang sineas memungkinkan cerita terungkap di depan kita saat ia mengikuti perjalanan tokohnya untuk menemukan tempat dan identitasnya dalam keluarganya, masyarakat dan konteks nasional dan global yang lebih luas. Menggunakan gaya pengamatan, sineas mampu untuk menyampaikan kepada kita dan membuat kita menemukan kompleksitas berlapis-lapis dari situasi saat ini di Kamboja. "
Neang Kavich berhak atas hadiah uang sejumlah 3000 Euro.
Terbaik Kedua Best SEA Shorts adalah “Flaneurs #3” yang disutradari oleh Aryo Danusiri dari Indonesia. Ia berhak atas hadiah uang sejumlah 1500 Euro.
Untuk kategori Best International Documentary, dewan juri yang terdiri dari Anna Har, Bettina Braun, Budi Irawanto, John Badalu dan Nick Deocampo menganugerahkan predikat Film Terbaik kepada "Wukan: The Flame of Democracy” yang disutradarai oleh Lynn Lee dan James Leong. Dalam pernyataan mereka, dewan juri menjelaskan: "Wukan mampu menceritakan sebuah cerita yang kompleks dengan banyak karakter dalam jangka waktu yang panjang. Film ini berhasil  menggambarkan usaha mencapai demokrasi yang memiliki resonansi global untuk mereka yang berjuang mewujudkan reformasi yang demokratis."
Kedua sutradara dari Singapura Lynn Lee dan James Leong berhak atas hadiah uang 5000 Euro untuk film yang berlatar belakang sebuah desa di China ini.
Penghargaan Khusus diberikan kepada film “Madam Phung´s Last Journey” yang disutradarai oleh Nguyen Thi Tham dari Vietnam (Best International Documentary). Penghargaan Film Pilihan Penonton (Audience Award) yang memberi hadiah uang 500 Euro didapatkan oleh film dari Indonesia “Jalanan” yang disutradarai oleh Daniel Ziv”.
Untuk film-film yang masuk ke dalam program festival ini, memenangi atau tidak salah satu kategori, bukanlah akhir dari segalanya. Masih dalam rangka ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia mereka tahun depan akan dibawa berkeliling Asia Tenggara. “Ini artinya satu kesempatan untuk mendapat pemirsa yang sama sekali baru,” kata Verena Lehmkuhl, Direktur Eksekutif festival. “Memenangi penghargaan ChopShots meningkatkan kesempatan bagi film-film ini untuk dipilih oleh festival internasional lainnya. Hal ini akan mendorong pemirsa yang tidak tahu banyak tentang satu subyek untuk mencoba menonton mereka. Kami akan mengikuti perkembangan film-film ini dengan saksama.”
“ChopShots telah memperkuat ikatan dan kebutuhan untuk saling mendukung antara sesama pembuat film dokumenter di Asia Tenggara. Yang ingin kami capai bersama-sama adalah pengakuan internasional untuk film-film yang menceritakan kisah-kisah unik Asia Tenggara yang dibuat oleh sineas Asia Tenggara,” tambah Lulu Ratna, salah satu Direktur Pelaksana festival.
Mengenai ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia
Semuanya bermula pada 2012 dengan sebuah proyek yang diberi nama DocNet Southeast Asia. Goethe-Institut dan Uni Eropa di Indonesia memulai proyek membangun jejaring untuk mendukung pembuatan film dokumenter di Asia Tenggara dan untuk menyatukan inisiatif-inisiatif lokal yang bervariasi yang telah lama ada di wilayah tersebut. Untuk menjadi puncak kegiatan dari proyek ini, penyelenggaraan suatu festival film dokumenter rasanya terlihat sebagai sebuah niat yang lumrah. Kemudian lahirlah edisi perdana  ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia pada Desember 2012 yang akan berlanjut tahun ini untuk merayakan cara menuturkan sebuah cerita dengan unik dan tajam. Lebih dari 247 film dari 49 negara diterima oleh tim ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia tahun ini. Dari seluruh film itu, 58 kemudian masuk ke dalam program, 12 film di antaranya berkompetisi di kategori dokumenter panjang, International Competition, sementara 18 film pendek termasuk di kategori Best SEA Shorts.
Selain pemutaran film, DocNet Campus, sebuah pelatihan selama tujuh hari, juga telah dilaksanakan dalam rangka ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia. Tiga tutor internasional mengajar dan bekerja sama dengan 15 sineas terpilih asal Asia Tenggara.
Informasi seputar ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia tersedia di:

We Proudly Announce the Winners of
ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia 2014

Jakarta, April 27, 2014 –The jury has concluded: “Where I go” by Neang Kavich from Cambodia takes home the 1st prize in the category “Best SEA Shorts”. “Wukan – the Flame of Democracy” by Singaporean directing duo Lynn Lee & James Leong wins the prestigious “Best International Documentary”


The second edition of Chopshots Documentary Film Festival has ended.   After 58 films were showcased on rotation in 4 venues in Jakarta for the past 6 days, with a total of 3000 of viewers, the festival came to its peak on Sunday evening, April 27 at GoetheHaus. Participants, jury, team and guests celebrated together one last time at the Award Night, with a screening of winner films and, of course, an after party.

The Jury Statements

In the category Best SEA Shorts (Short documentaries no longer than 60 minutes), the jury consisting of Leonard Retel Helmrich, Chalida Uabumrungjit and Nguyen Trinh Thi awarded the film "Where I Go" by Neang Kavich from Cambodia as the 1st in Best SEA Shorts.

In their jury statement, they explained their decision: “Recognizing the limited resources for the majority of independent filmmakers in the region, we decided to focus on spotting the potential and commitment of film-makers rather than judging the films based on their production value. In "Where I Go", the filmmaker lets the story unfold in front of us as he follows the character on his journey to find his place and identity within his family, community and the wider national and global contexts.  Using the observational style of film-making, the filmmaker was able to let us experience and discover the multi-layered complexity of the current situation in Cambodia.”

The director Neang Kavich receives 3000 Euro in prize money. The 2nd in Best SEA Shorts went to “Flaneurs #3” by Aryo Danusiri from Indonesia. He receives 1500 Euro in prize money.

In the category Best International Documentary, the Jury consisting of Anna Har, Bettina Braun, Budi Irawanto, John Badalu and Nick Deocampo awarded "Wukan: The Flame of Democracy” by Lynn Lee and James Leong.

In their statement, the jury explained: “Wukan is able to tell a complex story with many characters over a long period of time through an engaged filmmaking. It portrays the process of attaining democracy that has a global resonance for those struggling for democratic reforms.”

Singaporean directors Lynn Lee and James Leong, whose film is set in China, will receive 5000 Euro in prize money.

Special mentions went out to the film “Madam Phung´s Last Journey” by Nguyen Thi Tham from Vietnam (Best International Documentary). The audience award worth 500 Euros was determined through a public voting and given to “Jalanan” by Daniel Ziv from Indonesia.

“For the films screened here, winning ChopShots is not the end of the story, but the beginning. They will embark on a tour through Southeast Asia with the ChopShots traveling fest next year. This means exposure to a whole new audience”, says the festival´s Executive Director, Verena Lehmkuhl. “Winning the ChopShots Award increases the chance for films to be picked up by other international festivals. It encourages viewers who don´t know much about the subject to give it a try. We´ll be following the future impact of these films closely.”

“ChopShots has strengthened the cohesion and mutual support of the scene here in Southeast Asia. What we want to achieve together is International recognition for films that tell unique Southeast Asian stories, made by Southeast Asian filmmakers,” adds Lulu Ratna, Managing Director of the festival.

About ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia

It was started in 2012 as a project called DocNet Southeast Asia. The Goethe-Institut and the European Union in Indonesia initiated a network-building project to support documentary filmmaking in Southeast Asia and to unite varied local initiatives in the region. As the most exciting part of the initiative, a documentary film festival seemed like a natural consequence. Then ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia was inaugurated in December 2012 and continues for the second time this year to celebrate the art of telling stories differently. More than 247 films from 49 countries were received by the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia team this year, with 58 picked to be screened in the final programme. Of these, 12 feature documentaries participated in the International Competition.18 short films competed in the category Best SEA Shorts.

In addition to film screenings, DocNet Campus, a 7-day-training program was also held during the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia. Three international tutors tought and worked together with 15 selected Southeast Asian filmmakers.

For all media related inquiries please contact:

Dinyah Latuconsina

Telephone: +62-21-23550208 – 147 (Monday-Friday, 10:00 am – 05:00 pm)
Mobile: +6287878737514

Further information on the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia here:


Press Release April 27  2014 – for immediate release

We Proudly Announce the Winners of
ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia 2014

Jakarta, April 27, 2014 –The jury has concluded: “Where I go” by Neang Kavich from Cambodia takes home the 1st prize in the category “Best SEA Shorts”. “Wukan – the Flame of Democracy” by Singaporean directing duo Lynn Lee & James Leong wins the prestigious “Best International Documentary”

The second edition of Chopshots Documentary Film Festival has ended.   After 58 films were showcased on rotation in 4 venues in Jakarta for the past 6 days, with a total of 3000 of viewers, the festival came to its peak on Sunday evening, April 27 at GoetheHaus. Participants, jury, team and guests celebrated together one last time at the Award Night, with a screening of winner films and, of course, an after party.

The Jury Statements

In the category Best SEA Shorts (Short documentaries no longer than 60 minutes), the jury consisting of Leonard Retel Helmrich, Chalida Uabumrungjit and Nguyen Trinh Thi awarded the film "Where I Go" by Neang Kavich from Cambodia as the 1st in Best SEA Shorts.

In their jury statement, they explained their decision: “Recognizing the limited resources for the majority of independent filmmakers in the region, we decided to focus on spotting the potential and commitment of film-makers rather than judging the films based on their production value. In "Where I Go", the filmmaker lets the story unfold in front of us as he follows the character on his journey to find his place and identity within his family, community and the wider national and global contexts.  Using the observational style of film-making, the filmmaker was able to let us experience and discover the multi-layered complexity of the current situation in Cambodia.”

The director Neang Kavich receives 3000 Euro in prize money. The 2nd in Best SEA Shorts went to “Flaneurs #3” by Aryo Danusiri from Indonesia. He receives 1500 Euro in prize money.

In the category Best International Documentary, the Jury consisting of Anna Har, Bettina Braun, Budi Irawanto, John Badalu and Nick Deocampo awarded "Wukan: The Flame of Democracy” by Lynn Lee and James Leong.

In their statement, the jury explained: “Wukan is able to tell a complex story with many characters over a long period of time through an engaged filmmaking. It portrays the process of attaining democracy that has a global resonance for those struggling for democratic reforms.”

Singaporean directors Lynn Lee and James Leong, whose film is set in China, will receive 5000 Euro in prize money.

Special mentions went out to the film “Madam Phung´s Last Journey” by Nguyen Thi Tham from Vietnam (Best International Documentary). The audience award worth 500 Euros was determined through a public voting and given to “Jalanan” by Daniel Ziv from Indonesia.

“For the films screened here, winning ChopShots is not the end of the story, but the beginning. They will embark on a tour through Southeast Asia with the ChopShots traveling fest next year. This means exposure to a whole new audience”, says the festival´s Executive Director, Verena Lehmkuhl. “Winning the ChopShots Award increases the chance for films to be picked up by other international festivals. It encourages viewers who don´t know much about the subject to give it a try. We´ll be following the future impact of these films closely.”

“ChopShots has strengthened the cohesion and mutual support of the scene here in Southeast Asia. What we want to achieve together is International recognition for films that tell unique Southeast Asian stories, made by Southeast Asian filmmakers,” adds Lulu Ratna, Managing Director of the festival.

About ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia

It was started in 2012 as a project called DocNet Southeast Asia. The Goethe-Institut and the European Union in Indonesia initiated a network-building project to support documentary filmmaking in Southeast Asia and to unite varied local initiatives in the region. As the most exciting part of the initiative, a documentary film festival seemed like a natural consequence. Then ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia was inaugurated in December 2012 and continues for the second time this year to celebrate the art of telling stories differently. More than 247 films from 49 countries were received by the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia team this year, with 58 picked to be screened in the final programme. Of these, 12 feature documentaries participated in the International Competition.18 short films competed in the category Best SEA Shorts.

In addition to film screenings, DocNet Campus, a 7-day-training program was also held during the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia. Three international tutors tought and worked together with 15 selected Southeast Asian filmmakers.

For all media related inquiries please contact:

Dinyah Latuconsina

Telephone: +62-21-23550208 – 147 (Monday-Friday, 10:00 am – 05:00 pm)
Mobile: +6287878737514

Further information on the ChopShots Documentary Film Festival Southeast Asia here:


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