Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

The 3rd ACIKITA International Conference of Sciences and Technology (AICST)

Call for Papers 
 The 3rd ACIKITA International Conference of Sciences and Technology (AICST)

We invite all Indonesians who are pursuing higher education or work in all countries to offer presentation about their research work and/or their achievements. Let us gather our potentials for the development of our beloved nation. We also open to invite scientists, lecturers, businessmen, and industries, from various fields, to share information and to discuss the latest research achievements and also the relevant areas. We hope this event is, not only as a place where all the participants just share knowledge and idea, but also as a place where a mutual cooperation be initiated by them based on good communication, for strengthening the relationship between Indonesia and other countries in the future.

The conference will focus on the following topics, but we also accept papers from other topics;

1. Medicine, health, and pharmaceutical
2. Bioscience, biotechnology, and bioengineering
3. Agriculture, agricultural biotechnology and food processing
4. Education and culture
5. Energy and the new energy resources
6. Social Sciences, Economics, Law and Humanities
7. Telecommunications and computer information science
8. Interdiciplanary science and engineering
9. Various art and craft

All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of conferences, and selected papers will be published in high qualified scientific journals in Indonesia.

Abstract and Complete files must be addressed to email: seminar.acikita@gmail.com

Full paper format can be viewed at: http://aicst.acikita.org/

Submission of abstract: May 10, 2013
Notification of acceptance: June 12, 2013 Submission of full papers: June 25, 2013 Early registration: April 15, 2013
Conference: August 25 - 27, 2013

NB: untuk teman teman luar negeri di mana saja berada yuk kita jumpa di event ini, berdiskusi, silaturrahmi, dan sekaligus membuat network lintas bidang ilmu, karena tidak ada batas tegas dari suatu ilmu. Satu kajian saling berhubungan dengan yang lain. Ayo saling bersinergis untuk kemajuan riset bangsa Indonesia.

Mohon bantuan menyebarluaskan himbauan ini. 
Tahun 2011, hadir 150 orang, dan 2012 dihadiri 120 orang,  dari sekitar 9 negara. Alhamdulillah. 

Bila bertanya tentang sertifikat, prooceding, maka alhamdulillah sertifikat dan prooceding diakui DIKTI, apalagi karena event ini diangkatkan dengan berkolaborasi dengan Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional RI.


Jumiarti Agus
Ketua ACIKITA International

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